One of our greatest joys is to see Redwoods return and give back to other souls. For many Redwoods, staffing is just as powerful as their initial retreat. Sound unbelievable? Join in by volunteering to staff an upcoming Crucible Retreat and be part of creating experiences of radical honesty and grace for others.

As has been our tradition from the very beginning, Redwoods who volunteer cover their own expenses for housing and food. A Staffing Fee is part of your commitment to volunteer on the retreat. Thank you for helping keep the retreat participant fees low as by covering your own expenses.

The actual cost of a retreat in FY 2023 was $293 more per participant than Crucible charges for retreat participant fees. If you want to contribute to that “back office” operational expense for participants, or support the volunteer expenses of another volunteer, donate to the annual fund.

These volunteer positions fill up quickly. If you desire to staff an upcoming weekend, we encourage you to respond promptly to the Crucible Email Newsletter which is sent out on the 20th of each month. Don’t get the newsletter? You can make a request here.

  • Please enter a number greater than or equal to 0.

    Are there any roles/responsibilities below you are interested in leading on the weekend?
    • Please select one or many by holding down ctrl (PC) or command (Mac) while you click on the roles/responsibilities you are interested in performing. Select as many as you would like.
    • To see a description of each of the roles, check the "Show Role/Responsibilities Descriptions" checkbox.
    • If you have a lot of energy around serving in a particular position, please indicate why at the bottom of the form.
    • Since we have many staff members, we cannot guarantee everyone will get the role(s) they have selected.
    • Some roles will be assigned based on: Experience with The Crucible Project; Number of times staffing; Time since last staffing and Individual strengths.
    • Assignments will be finalized prior to or during the first staff meeting.
  • Hold down Command (Mac) or Ctrl (PC) to select multiple individual items. Hold shift to select a range. To unselect, hold down Command (Mac) or Ctrl (PC) and click on the item you want to unselect.

    NOTE: 1) Press the Submit button only once 2) Wait for a new Confirmation Page to appear 3) Look for an email in your inbox confirming that your application was submitted correctly