How to Select a Life Coach

You may have decided that you are ready to engage a coach to help you achieve a goal, get unstuck, or lean into growth. But how do you do you find a coach with so many coaches out there to choose from?

“A good coach can change a game.  A great coach can change a life.” – John Wooden

At Crucible, we believe that finding the right match that fits your personality and your goals is the first most important decision after you have decided to engage a coach. Here are some questions that are most important in your coach selection process.

  • Confidentiality – Ask about how your coach handles confidentiality. You want to be assured that the coach will keep your sessions confidential.
  • Experience – Ask about the coach’s experience working with people who have similar needs as you do. Find out how long they have been helping people reach their goals.
  • Qualifications – Ask about the coach’s qualifications. Make sure that they are reputably certified.  If it will be helpful to you, ask for references that you can contact.
  • Skills – Ask the type of questions that let you know if they have the skills to serve your well. Are they a good listener?  Are they focused primarily on the goals you want to work on to keep you on track?
  • Personal Connection – Your relationship with your coach is an important determinant of coaching outcomes. Meet with them before your first full coaching session to make sure the coach you have selected is someone you personally are connecting with.
  • Goal Alignment – Ask your coach about how they work with clients who have similar goals as you? Determine if the coach’s approach aligns with your vision for achieving your goals.

“A coach is someone who tells you want you don’t want to hear.  Who has you see what you don’t want to see, so you can be who you have always known you could be.” – Tom Landry

Crucible Coaches

You can rest assured that every Crucible coach has received vigorous training and practiced under supervision prior to see their first client. Crucible coaches are highly ethical and maintain confidentiality about any personal information shared during the sessions. Every Crucible coach has been trained in the techniques and skills that have helped over 7,700 people like you reach their goals over the last twenty years.

Free “Get to Know You” 30 Minute Session

Before you begin your coaching relationship, Crucible provides every client with an opportunity to ask these questions and find out if the coach you have selected is a match for you and your goals. You can begin the process by choosing one of our coaches here. If there is not a match, we will help you find the coach that is the right match for you.