Compass Resources for Chaotic Times

Sometimes it seems like life is overwhelming. Turning on the news seems so depressing. Chaos is the new normal. With wars raging, reports of assaults and murders in every news cycle, famous people we thought we knew well being reported with decades of sexual abuse of minors, record high number of catastrophic weather disasters, confusion over what children should and should not be learning in our schools, racial and cultural conflicts, and culture wars tied to deeply divided politics that causes almost anything you do to be a viewed as a political statement.

Take Heart!

In chaotic times, I’m reminded of God’s faithfulness. Jesus said, “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).  You are not alone. Jesus is with you through it, even when you do not feel his presence. Allow yourself space and time to become aware of Jesus’ presence with you and discover the peace that passes all understanding.

Focus on the Present

There is nothing that can be undone in the past. Dwelling there robs you and others of your peace and future. Focusing on what might happen in the future creates anxiety about things that may not ever happen. This moment, today, is what you have complete control over. Focusing on the present is your gift to yourself. Now is the time.

“Action eats fear for breakfast” – John Acuff

Get into Action

In the presence of Jesus, focusing on what is in front of me, I am able to take action to do something that brings less chaos into this world. By getting into action with what is in front of me, my anxiety begins to diminish, my heartbeat slows, and any hopelessness begins to fade. Here are some ideas to get into action.

  • Instead of mindlessly listening to the news, turn off your device and get face-to-face with a loved one. In fact, take a “news” sabbath break and detox from its effect on you.
  • Instead of worrying about war, crime, etc., reach out to volunteer for a nonprofit serving victims. Or make a donation to a charity who is doing good with those affected.
  • Instead of being overwhelmed by all of your friends’ political posts on social media, fast from social media or take a break from certain political friends.
  • Instead of letting someone offend you by their stance on cultural or racial issues, go have deep conversations with people who are not in your people group. Approach them with curiosity with the hopes of discovery. Get to know the people who do not look like and speak like you.
  • Instead of staying paralyzed in your home, go help someone in your neighborhood, church or community. Research has shown random acts of kindness improve your health and well-being.

If you want some help moving past your anxiety about the chaos of our world, we are here for you. Choose a Crucible coach and have a conversation that can change your outlook during these troubling times. Or take a fast from your phone and everything going on in the world and attend one of our transformational Men’s Retreats or Women’s Retreats.  Join God and others who have been blessed by their own Crucible retreat as they help you get into action and find peace in the chaos.