How Life Coaches Can Change Your Life For The Better

A man wearing a blue shirt is writing down his life plan with his life coach, who is having a virtual coaching session with him.

What is a Life Coach?

Sometimes, we receive the question, “What is a life coach?” from a visitor to our website. Life coaching is unregulated, and many people on the internet declare themselves life coaches. However, the life coaching industry has developed its own set of guidelines for certification. Some life coaches who are certified may not have been well trained. Some have their own agenda, pushing a political view or religion. Some are intentionally coaching to push people away from their faith.

It is important to answer the question honestly, and we can only do that by talking about what makes our Crucible Coaches certified to be proper life coaches. The answers here will guide you as you select someone who is the right fit for your life coaching journey to love yourself more.

Crucible Life Coaches: Highly Experienced Life Professionals

What is a life coach certified by Crucible? It is a person who has completed extensive training to help clients get unstuck. They receive training in the difference between advice-giving and coaching. They understand when a client might need to see a medical or mental health professional and are comfortable making such referrals. They keep goal setting and decision-making with the client instead of bending the client toward the goal they are most comfortable coaching toward.

We believe that each client has within them the answers to the questions they are seeking. Instead of telling clients what to do, we process their decision-making to help them find the way forward. Instead of directing the way they guide the client’s path toward their goals. Crucible coaches provide accountability and help clients step into responsibility for creating the lives of their true heart’s desires.

Crucible life coaches are trained in the highly effective techniques and processes that Crucible has helped over 7,700 people change over the past twenty-five years.

Ethics and Confidentiality of Crucible Life Coaches

A Life Coach certified by Crucible has been trained and exhibits the highest levels of ethics. They adhere to confidentiality electronically, in written form, and verbally. They avoid dual relationships and will not try to become your friend or sell you their personal products. They adhere to ethical and professional standards and avoid misrepresentations of themselves and their services.

Experienced Life Coaches Touch On Their Life For Resemblance

All Crucible coaches have exhibited personal experiences of success. They have faced their own personal issues with openness and done the hard work of healing any way that they may prey on someone they are coaching. They practice what they preach as they continue their own personal journey toward being all God has called them to be. Every Crucible life coach must have a period of supervised coaching to ensure they are proven effective as a coach before certification.

Life Coaches Certified by Crucible are Christ-followers

In order to apply to be a certified coach, coaches must submit to a 360-degree evaluation from several ministry leaders, peers, and those they lead. The evolution includes their level of moral living and the following of Christ. While they must be a Christ-follower, they also must not be someone pushing a person of another religious heritage away from their faith. Crucible coaches will not lead Christ-following clients astray.

Free 30 Minute Life Coaching Session With A Crucible Coach

If you want to know what a life coach certified by Crucible is, try a free thirty-minute session. Choose a coach and fill out the form, letting us know the best ways and times to reach you. Then, ask all the questions you want answered along the path of choosing a life coach. See if you are comfortable with the coach you’ve selected before you ever have to commit to scheduling or paying for sessions. It is a risk-free way to find out for yourself what a life coach certified by Crucible is.