When Work is Hard

In Daniel 6, Scripture provides the narrative of Daniel in the lion’s den, a story that recounts the unwavering faith and courage of a man thrust into a perilous situation, surrounded by hungry lions. In today’s bustling world, our workplaces can often resemble the formidable lion’s den with daunting tasks, demanding expectations, and potential pitfalls at every corner. If this resonates with you, reflect on this prayer below by Douglas McKelvey.

A Liturgy For One Who Is Employed

O Christ who supplies my every need,

I praise You for all provisions

and for the means by which they are provided.

For my current employment,

in this season of life, I give You thanks.

By it, may I meet my own needs

and contribute to the needs of others.

Let me work and serve in this position

with mindfulness, creativity, and kindness,

loving You well by loving all whom I encounter here.

Jesus, be ever-present as mediator between me and my employer,

between me and my supervisors and co-workers,

and in all my dealings with others in this work,

reminding me that my treatment of them

is the strongest evidence of my affection for You.

Grant me therefore the patience to listen to others,

the humility to learn from them,

the compassion to consider their needs as my own,

and the grace to wear well in this place

the Name of my Lord, remembering that I arrive here

each day as an emissary of Your Kingdom.

Let me be an asset to my employer and superiors,

working for their flourishing without resentment.

Let me be a support to my peers,

contributing to their advancement without jealousy.

Let me be and encouragement to any I train or lead,

affirming and equipping them without disdain.

May the days of my employment here be meaningful.

Use this chapter in my life to accomplish your ends,

whatever they might be.

May my presence here daily suggest Your presence here.

And may the outworking of the Gospel be always evident in this my work,

that my service as an employee might be ever reckoned and received

as service first rendered unto You, O Christ.


The daily lion’s den of our career can feel discouraging, overwhelming, and downright deadly. Through his time in the den, Daniel demonstrated how remaining steadfast can lead us through the darkness to a place of solace and resilience. If you are in a place where your daily routine feels akin to peril, consider making this prayer a daily start to your work time and see how it transforms your heart and perspective.

If you want to go deeper, take a look at how you “show up” to your life by attending a Crucible weekend or signing up for a coaching session where you can discover new truths about yourself and experience God’s grace to help you remain steadfast amidst trials. The lion’s den is big, but God and the community He provides for support are bigger. Don’t face the struggle alone!