Compass Resources for Striving

You are more than a job title. You are more valuable than what you own. You are greater than your net worth. You are more important than your status.

The things you tie your identity to are temporary. You spend a lot of energy and time trying to gain an identity that has a moving goal line. What keeps you up at night and what you strive for every day are elusive.

Underneath all your success, you still have unease. You feel like there is something missing. The joy and satisfaction of achievement is not the balm for what is running inside of you.

You think the continued unease means that you have not yet achieved enough. A higher goal will fix it. Doing more will solve it. Having more will do it. Recognition will get you there. They are the lies that drive a cycle of never-ending striving.

“Be still and know that I am God. Be still and know. Be still. Be.”

 – Unknown reference to Psalm 46:10

Status fades, but who you are leaves a legacy that lasts. What if the answer is not doing more, having more, or being seen as more? What if the medicine for the unease in your soul is to focus on being instead of doing or having?

The solution you are looking for is not out there, it is within you. How much time and money have you spent in your striving? The results you are getting have a poor return on investment.

At Crucible, we believe that instead of working so hard doing and having more, investing time and money in focusing on who you are has better outcomes. Getting clear on who you are without your achievements, possessions and status is the way for your soul to get what all your striving is not.

Invest 44 hours (about 0.5% of a year) and $595 (less than $50 a month) to take a deep dive into discovering what is driving you. Learn how your choices are impacting your soul and those around you. Find out who you are so that you can intentionally head toward the person you want to be in your heart of hearts. Focus on who you are and the clouded unease within you will clear.

“On my Crucible retreat, I met myself for the first time.” – Jeremy

Instead of an hour or so a month on a solo journey, join with others on the journey being led (and challenged) by those who have already done their own soul work. Stop everything else you are doing, leave technology and distractions behind, and enter a space built just for helping you meet yourself again.

Stop scrolling right now. Go to the Women’s or Men’s registration page. Pick a weekend. Make a deposit and begin planning for God to meet you there. We will send you some homework that will set you up well for your investment of time and money. Show up on time with curiosity and openness. Wrestle with God around the things keeping you from being all He called you to be.

Your decision to invest in yourself will result in improved relationship with God and the peace, courage, freedom and passion to live out your God-given purpose. You will not only leave without the unease, you will have a path back out if it ever shows up in your soul again.

Or keep striving. Stay focused on your identity being wrapped up in what you do and what you have. Don’t invest in who you are but continue wasting time and money for status. You are comfortable with the unease in your soul because you have known it for so long.

You choose!