Never Alone
Will you join me in keeping our promise to Redwoods to always “Lean on Me”?
Like you, I left my initial weekend having experienced radical honesty and grace in the context of prayer and scripture for the first time in my life. Tired, emotionally raw, hoarse and completely full I was able to share my heart full of blessing with my wife, children, workplace, church and community.
What I have experienced in the ten-plus years since then has been so much more powerful than that first weekend. It has led me to believe that the majority of transformation that this ministry is uniquely called to do happens outside of our initial weekends in communities of authenticity.
When I hear stories, like that of Case Jackson I am further convinced that God never intended us to do life alone. Having a Christian Soul Work grove where a Redwood becomes firmly planted after the initial weekend is the most effective thing that this organization can do to join God in life-long transformation of a soul.
Without you, we cannot build groves where a Redwood will “Never Stand Alone”!
Creating and building communities of radical honesty and grace is expensive in both time and treasure. It takes key volunteers in whom God has awakened a purpose greater than self. As I wrote in my last Ramblings (With Link), income from weekend and group fees fails to cover the actual expenses of weekends, leadership development, business services and growing communities.
Will you join me and hundreds of other Redwoods in doing everything in our power to develop groves where over 1,000 new Redwoods expected in 2020 can be planted? Redwoods like Case, who’s faith and grove helped him weather unexpected gale-force winds. Where he was “Never Alone” standing with Redwoods who kept their promise to “Lean On Me”!
As a way to thank you for a gift of any amount received before the beginning of November, 2019, I will send you a window-sticker decal that you can place on your vehicle as a point of conversation with others in your life about what God is doing through this ministry. And if you give monthly, either online at or through the mail at The Crucible Project P.O. Box 988, Wheaton, IL 60187, I will send you a story of what impact your gifts are making every month.
With your financial gift, I know God will continue to use this ministry to ignite Christ-like change through experiences of radical honesty and grace in thriving and healthy Redwood Groves, where Redwoods NEVER STAND ALONE and the promise is kept to LEAN ON ME.
With full integrity, I commit to lead this organization to stretch every dollar to fully meet its mission, to the glory of God. Please prayerfully consider joining me in giving. If I can answer any other questions, you can reach me at
I look forward to your response. God bless you and thank you!
Roy Wooten
Executive Director