Linda OuryMinistry Updates

Guest Written by Linda Oury, Crucible Board of Directors Board Chair

August was an incredible month!  For me, it started with the women’s pilot for Crucible’s second level weekend called “Leadership: Darkside.” A small group of our women’s leaders and I were “participants” as some of our men’s leaders facilitated this weekend at our request so we could experience and learn it, then bring it to other women next year. I learned so much about myself as a leader and saw parts of myself I never had previously.

Where and when does my dark side show up? How does it come out? Where did that shadow behavior start? How might I lean into it, and then access my good leadership qualities instead?

I remembered how important it is for me to keep doing my own soul work as a leader. With other trusted women, I found support to explore my dark side with honesty. I learned how I sometimes prey on others and more frequently prey on myself. Together, we sent parts of my shadow “packing” far away. By the end of the pilot, I felt a new sense of peace and joy.

It’s important for you to keep doing your own soul work, too, no matter your leadership role: from family to work life, from social to spiritual circles, there’s great value in continuing your soul work.  Crucible is here for you! Learn more about how you can continue your work by hearing from our Men’s and Women’s Ministry Leaders.

The Mighty Redwoods

During August, I also got to hike to the giant Redwoods in northern California. Standing among those incredible trees, I immediately thought of Crucible Redwoods standing tall and strong, linked together with Crucible sisters and brothers in Australia, Kenya, Mexico, and the US! What a privilege to be part of this worldwide community! Soon we can all see each other again through the wonders of technology at our Annual Meeting on September 21, 2024 from 11:30am-1:00pm CT. I can’t wait!

Sharing Crucible

August also brought exciting “firsts” for Crucible’s growing impact on leaders across the country and the world! For the first time, we were one of the sponsors for the Global Leadership Summit. This put our name and mission in front of tens of thousands of leaders worldwide. Our Executive Director, Roy Wooten, had the vision to make this sponsorship a reality. He also led the way to create new opportunities for impact with Christian business leaders through the Convene Business Forum. Roy will present Crucible to many of their leaders this year through various speaking engagements.

In Closing

As the month closes out, I am profoundly grateful for how Crucible has impacted me at my deepest levels – with my marriage, family, and my leadership. Without all Crucible has brought me, I truly do not know where I would be as an individual or where we would be as a couple. Learn more about how you can be part of keeping Crucible around for future generations. The value of soul work is profound. It IS life changing. It’s why my husband and I give of our time, energy, and finances to Crucible. It’s the best way to say “thank you” for all we experience through Crucible AND to make sure it continues for years to come for all those who need this kind of life-giving soul work! Won't you join us?

- Linda Oury, Crucible Board Chair


Ministry Updates

I recently had the privilege of speaking about Crucible and burnout prevention at a Convene event. Once again, I was profoundly moved by the power of soul work. This journey has not only transformed me but has also deeply influenced those around me, especially my family. As I watch my grandson reach milestones like his first steps and words, I think about the challenges he will face and the significance of soul work in his life. At The Crucible Project, we are dedicated to fostering radical honesty and grace. This authenticity creates a ripple effect that touches generations.

On the Horizon

Earlier this month, despite the challenges of a hurricane, 23 participants and 28 staff men in Houston came together for a retreat and each participant left saying they got what they came for and even more. Be encouraged as you read more about what is happening in men’s ministry, including new certified retreat leaders and a full line-up of fall retreats.

Likewise, our women’s ministry has upcoming retreats in the US and Australia and several groups and trainings launching.

There are a lot of opportunities to engage coming up and each person that participates represents another parent, grandparent, friend, neighbor, coworker, coach, aunt, or uncle that is courageously choosing authenticity.

The Next Generation of Crucible

One of our Crucible Redwoods in his 20s recently shared the impact of his retreat and what struck me was that while he valued the teachings and processes from the weekend, his biggest blessing has been the community of men he has built that have been where he is and are willing to share their learnings and perspectives. He shares, “If I didn’t seek out coaching and relationships with those 20 guys that I can call at any time, there’s a very good chance my life wouldn’t be what it is.” Each of those 20 men are creating a ripple effect of soul work with an impact that extends far beyond what any could do individually.

I’m excited about stories of men like Fred Macaluso and Dan Holzer, the founders of Project 5130, who are leaning into the ripple effect of soul work through their mentorship and discipleship program aimed at younger men. Friends, there is a next generation of leaders who are learning from us how to lead with integrity, grace, and courage and the impact that will have on their communities and beyond is humbling.

Soul work is also gaining prominence in popular culture through movies like the recently released "Inside Out 2." The animated narrative beautifully aligns with Crucible’s belief that every emotion serves a crucial role in our overall well-being and personal integrity. Read this reflection on Inside Out and our SASHET emotions and consider how you can live in deeper integrity with your God-given emotions.

The Ripple Effect

Let’s champion this next generation by equipping them to thrive. Engage in conversations with younger individuals about attending a retreat. Volunteer to staff a retreat and help create a space for others to wrestle with God and receive their blessings. Pray for the next generation of leaders, and model authenticity, integrity, and grace.

I am grateful to link arms with each of you, just like the mighty Redwoods, and work together to create a legacy of authenticity as we live out our God-given purposes! Please keep me and Crucible Leadership in your prayers as we keep you in ours. God bless you and this ministry.

-Roy Wooten

Ministry Updates

Wow! It is hot, hot, hot. And we have some hot stuff going on at Crucible. I’m so happy to share with you that as 2024 launched, we held our Women’s initial retreat in its third country: Mexico! Hear from women leaders about the wildfire that is burning hot in Mexico. Mucho bueno! You can also learn about what’s happening in Men’s Ministry and Women’s Ministry in this newsletter.

The Board of Directors, under leadership of Linda Oury, met in their annual board retreat. The unity of Crucible’s leadership and the wealth of experience and wisdom from these great Redwoods is such a gift to this ministry. I am so grateful to each of them.

What else is hot? We have some big goals for the fiscal year that begins here at the end of the month.  You can read more about them and find out how you can be a part of making them a reality here. I hope you will join in as we continue to spread Crucible across the US and the world.

You will also find a candid confession from me in this month’s newsletter. I hope that it is something that you can also relate to and that it will give you another reason to join a group or appreciate the group you are currently in.

I pray for you often. I thank God for you and ask His blessings on you. I thank God that I am blessed to serve in this ministry, with this staff team, with the board, with all of our great volunteers, and for all our donors. Thank you for what you are doing to keep us on mission. Please continue to keep me and this ministry in your prayers as well.

Roy Wooten

Ministry Updates

I’m checking in tender as I sit with memories of so many I have walked along side who survived tragic and evil traumas. I know Redwoods who have survived war, assaults, rape, spiritual, emotional, sexual and physical abuse, deadly accidents, fires, first responders with horrific situations, hurricanes and other natural disasters. I know too many who were there as their loved one took their own breath, took their own life, or never returned home.

Serve and Salute

I am in awe of your courage as you continue to do the difficult and long healing work that recovery requires. The Crucible Community salutes you because you are doing the work that reduces the impact of post-traumatic stress symptoms on those around you – your family and friends. I am thankful that Crucible is a home that assists in your recovery, through community and the tools on our weekends, groups and coaching.  Check out some active service members and veterans comments about Crucible’s Impact. Also hear from the survivor of church, spiritual and sexual abuse.

This week we turn out attention toward those who gave the ultimate sacrifice serving in the US armed forces. Jesus is recorded in John 15:13 as saying, “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”   This weekend, we remember!

Crucible Moves to San Antonio

There is much that is happening in Men's and Women's soul work. While I still have some boxes to unpack, I am up and running in our new home and office in San Antonio, Texas. Being in the same town as my son and daughter, and their spouses, and my grandson will be awesome.  Make note of Crucible’s new mailing address:

The Crucible Project | PO Box 690894 | San Antonio, TX 78269

Spreading Soul Work Across the Globe

We are still seeking more Redwoods to join us in financially supporting the ministry as we attempt to spread Christ-following soul work. I’m happy to announce that through our partnership with the annual Global Leadership Summit August 8-9, Crucible’s logo will be present, online and in person. I know many of you are planning to attend. If you are planning to attend, consider grabbing some branded items so that you can share about how God has used Crucible in your life.

Want to know why Redwoods financially support Crucible? Check out this brief video.


My heart is grateful as we just completed our annual board retreat. Good volunteers and donors who lead businesses and ministries of their own gave up a weekend to focus on our current challenges and opportunities and the future of the ministry. I am thankful for you and your part in the path along the way to the present and what we will do together to ignite Christ-like change through experiences of radical honesty in grace in your community and throughout the world.

Thank you!

Roy Wooten

Ministry Updates

I am checking in happy and tender. I think the word that describes it best is blessed! It is a blessing for me to be a part of this incredible ministry. I’ve enjoyed representing Crucible speaking to pastors, counselors, coaches, and business owners about what God is doing through us. As I am visiting other ministries, my confidence that Crucible’s weekends, groups, and coaching are top-tier in what is out there. Thankful for Greg Huston, Chris Cleghorn and all the leaders upon who’s shoulders I stand in my stewardship position.  Blessed!

Spreading Christian Soul Work

The strategic plan developed in 2019/2020 has initiatives to purposefully “wake up the church” to Christ-centered soul work continues here in the US and across the globe. God has provided opportunities and donations to get Crucible in front of thousands over the past year. God is using Crucible powerfully on the African continent and we are now reaching into Asia.

7,000+ Redwoods

Since the last newsletter, we passed the 7,000 mark in total number of Redwoods. The impact God is having through Crucible is incredible. With the over 60 retreats scheduled in 2024, I expect we will add over 1,000 new Redwoods by the end of this year. Learn more about Crucible’s Impact and so much more God is calling us to do.

$888 per participant. That is what it cost Crucible in fiscal year 2023. That is $293 more than what we ask participants to pay for their registration. The figure includes all of the operational costs necessary to make retreats happen (insurance, accounting, staff support, website, etc.). That doesn’t include the $97,120 in financial assistance for those who could not pay the full registration fee.

I am thankful for everyone who makes annual or monthly donations because the registration fees would be much more expensive without your generosity. When you donate $25 per month, you are supporting a new Redwood getting through their retreat. $50 a month, or $600, supports 2 new Redwoods completing their weekend. If you set up a regular donation of any amount, I’m going to send you special thank you gift.

Did You Get Your Magnet, Yet?

Redwood John Owen worked with our marketing team to develop a great looking magnet. I want you to have one. If you have made a direct financial contribution to Crucible in the last 12 months, I am sending you a magnet this week. Everyone who has not donated in the last 12 months will get one in the thank you letter I send. Everyone who donates between now and the end of June will get one. Learn about all the ways you can give or set up a recurring monthly donation securely online right now.


Roy Wooten

Ministry Updates

I am checking happy and excited about where this ministry is and where I believe God is taking us. Since my earliest days in Crucible, I have been blown away by all of the good that comes from the many volunteers in this ministry. As I came into this role in 2019, I have viewed the ministry employees and contract leaders’ function as support of volunteers carrying out our mission.

One of the reasons I believe God is smiling on all of our volunteers is a recent partnership with Redwood Jason Wilson. God is using Jason mightily as he works with young Detroit adolescents and influences men across the country. He is the author of Cry Like a Man and Battle Cry. He had an ESPN special about the program God has him leading in Detroit.

I love catching up with men whom I attended or staffed retreats with in 2009. I love it even better when we are staffing together. But some of us are getting up there in years. Some have experienced health issues. Everyone’s heart seems to be committed to the ministry, but some have no desire to sleep in bunk beds or stay up beyond 10PM volunteering to staff a retreat.  How can everyone still be part of the ministry?

You Can Be Part of the Ministry Without Staffing

I asked some of our community leaders why they staff. Their responses are provided in an article about Join by Volunteering to Staff. But some do not have the time, health or energy to staff. That is why we focused in this newsletter on all the ways you can join the ministry without staffing a weekend.

I am excited about how you will choose to join what God is doing in and through this ministry. Please keep me and Crucible Leadership in your prayers as we keep you in ours. God bless you and this ministry.

-Roy Wooten

Ministry Updates

I’m excited. Last week I had the opportunity to expose over 800 ministry staff to the incredible work God is doing through Crucible at the CO+OP Texas Ministry Conference. People stopped by our booth or shared between the four sessions I taught their commitment to attend upcoming weekends.

I’m excited our efforts to “wake up the church” to Crucible is working. Almost half of the participants on our initial weekends in 2023 reported learning about us from pastor, church, coach or counselor referrals, or found us through google search, social media, podcasts or attended a regional event. The other half reported being invited by someone they personally know.

The Power of Group Life

The power of this work is greater in post-weekend groups than on our weekends. There I said it. In my 15-year journey in Crucible, it has been my soul group that God has used to grow my continued efforts toward being whole, being more like Jesus and becoming the man I believe God wants me to be. The ups and downs of life are great teachers and there is not place better to learn through them then in a group where radical honesty and grace abound.

Your Invitation To Lead

I want to invite you to step into leadership. You don’t have to “have it all together” to lead a group. We are not looking for an “expert” in soul work. Your authenticity is what is necessary. You continuing your own soul work journey is what we are looking for in a group leader. If you are doing those two things, we can give you what you need to lead a group.

Find out how you can lead an Exploration Group right now. Find out what it takes to be certified as a Growth Group Leader. Discover what a Development Group is. Learn how you can form and continue your journey in a Journey Group.

Get Involved

Get involved in what is going on in Men’s Ministry (link to Byron’s article) or Women’s Ministry. (link to lisa’s article) Plan your next staffing experience. Find a coach, attend a 2nd Level Weekend. Share Crucible on LinkedINFacebook or Instagram, forward Compass Resource emails to your church group, send a podcast to someone who need to hear it, or ask for us to send you some post cards to share at your next church gathering. Find out the many ways you can contribute financially to Crucible.

My heart’s desire is to see the world transformed by the church. I believe God is and will use Crucible to help transform Christ-followers who will impact His church. You and I, as imperfect as we are, are the Redwoods He will use to do just that.  Over 6,900 Redwoods will join us!

Let me know how I can support you along your journey!

- Roy Wooten

Ministry Updates

Checking in happy, tender with gratitude. Thankful that Redwoods are applying to staff and inviting participants in post-pandemic record numbers. With 60 weekends scheduled in 2024 and a growing number of full-capacity weekends, we are well on our way to helping a record number of souls experience radical honesty and grace.

Also full of gratitude for Redwood responses to the Board $60,000 matching gift challenge. You gave, or committed to monthly giving, $103,560 restoring financial health. We are $249,000 in donations away from this fiscal year’s operational budget that ends June 30th.  That is about $41,500 monthly in financial need that supports all the things God has us doing that are not covered by fees.

Spreading Soul Work

The strategic plan adopted by the Board in 2019 states that we will spread Crucible across the globe and to special populations. Our strategic partnership with Mission Resource Network has spread this work to South Africa and the Philippines. Through our formal partnership we expect Crucible to spread to northern Africa, southeast Asia and the middle east. More importantly, we will be supporting the soul work of missionaries and in-country leaders and keeping them in their calling in a healthy way.

I am grateful that 2024 will also see our work expanding to couples, strengthening marriages and rekindling passion. Our work with prisoners, young men in urban environments, and people suffering from Post-Traumatic-Stress (first responders and veterans) are in the works.

Planning Your 2024

I have gratitude that our work shows us a “No BS” approach to setting and achieving goals. We don’t say we’re going to do something when we don’t have a “full-body yes” to it. We state our commitments and agreements with clarity. We take responsibility for the decisions that we make. We hold ourselves accountable and we welcome support accountability from others. We sit with each other in a circle where imperfections are welcome. We do this in a group of other souls who are doing the same, or with a coach that doesn’t allow for excuses.

We are offering a free 30-minute coaching session to help you or anyone you know get started this January! Select a Coach!

Stay motivated toward your goal this year by listening to the great Leadership Series at The Crucible Project Podcast channel, however you stream.  Tulsa Redwood, Pastor Tim Rush, is humbly asking Crucible leaders about their leadership. You don’t want to miss an episode!

Make a Difference in 2024

How are you going to make a difference in 2024?  Jump into one of the upcoming staffing opportunities. Like, share, follow on Facebook, Instagram, or Linked In. Reach out to put your talent to use volunteering in supporting the back-office operations. Set up monthly financial contributions. Discover if your company provides matching funds for your volunteer hours or donations. Schedule a time to discuss your estate planning and plan a legacy gift to sustain the ministry for future generations.

I am thankful for you. For who you are and how you are allowing God to use you to bring this powerful healing work across the US and the world.  God bless you and all your holy pursuits!

Finishing 2023 Strong

In fiscal year 2023, 1,585 souls were impacted through soul work offerings, $97,120 awarded in financial assistance, 792 volunteers served 590 souls on 40 initial weekends in 4 countries on 3 continents where 96% reported their experience was good to excellent. Wow!

While the weekends are done this calendar year, several people have signed up for coaching here in the last couple of weeks. Many groups are meeting for their last time this year and volunteer staff are gathering for upcoming weekends in the next three months.

This is an important time of year for fundraising as more than half of our annual donations arrive in the last couple of months of the year. I am so thankful for the many Redwoods who have contributed this year. We are so close to reaching the Board of Director’s $60,000 matching challenge. Don’t miss out as time is running out to be a part of this!

Crucible Impacting Families

This year more than any other, I have heard from many men and women about God using Crucible to impact entire families. Discover what happens for children when the Dad and Step-Dad become Redwoods in this incredible impact story. Who do you know that needs a Crucible weekend?

Looking forward to 2024!

If you’re like me, I take several hours alone to reflect on the lessons learned the past twelve months and create a plan for the next twelve. One of our group exercises has been converted and is available for you to do the same.  I hope you’ll join me in this annual exercise of reflection and planning.

With God, and your vital continued help, fiscal year 2024 will see Crucible reach over 1,600 souls with over 800 volunteers. Over 700 will be served in 48 initial weekend in the US and internationally. We will certify 3 new retreat leaders, 4 carpet leaders, 16 group leaders and 8 coaches.  We will continue to expand Crucible’s reach to “wake up the church” to Christ-following soul work.  Come join us and staff a weekend!

It will take $614,000 in donations, about 40% of all expected revenue, to fund our operations in fiscal year 2024.  If you’d like to discover the many ways you can be part of it, let me know.

Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas full of Joy and Happy New Year!

Ministry Updates

The world is mess. News stories about wars, crime, violence and division jar me. Hearing about families and marriages breaking apart, family violence, and increases in mental health and addiction prevalence breaks my heart. Unfortunately, I also see many of the problems in the world inside Christ’s church. Challenges and divisions across denominational lines, faith leaders blowing up their testimony with spiritual abuse or moral failures is disheartening.  The affects of this messy, broken world can be overwhelming to me.

Hope in the Mess

My heart finds hope in all of this messiness when I witness the power of our Christ-following soul work in the lives or participants on our weekends. I know, from personal experience, that what God does in each and everyone of them is carried back into their home, church, workplace and community. I believe our work is making a difference in this messy world. I am convinced God is using us to do something about it.

Finishing 2023 Strong

We have much to do as the point of the spear in making a difference in this messy world in 2024, but we still have time to make a difference this year. I am so thankful for the Board of Director’s challenging every Redwood to donate through a $60,000 match. The board challenge means that every donor dollar will be matched between now and the end of December. That includes every dollar raised on Giving Tuesday this year!

We have much to celebrate about 2023. This year marks the 10 year anniversary of the Urban Chicago initiative that Greg Huston missionally began. We directly impacted 793 souls through weekend participation, groups and coaching, certified 12 coaches and 4 retreat leaders, and 590 souls were initiated with 96% rating their experience as good, very good or excellent.

Continuing to Make a Difference in 2024

We have over four dozen weekends scheduled in 2024 with a goal of directly impacting over 1500 lives. In 2024, we will continue to work toward keeping our financial house in order as we increase the weekend volunteer opportunity fees to match rates of inflation. We will increase participation in soul work offerings and continue to “wake up the church” to what God is doing through Crucible.

Thankful for You!

I am thankful for you as you continue your work, refer people in your influence to weekends, fund our continued growth, and volunteer to staff weekends. I am in deep gratitude to God for allowing us to be a part of something so powerfully making a difference in this messy world.

Wishing you and yours a Thanksgiving filled with gratitude and connection to each other and our savior, Jesus!

Integrity with Self

I’m amazed at some recent neuropsychology findings about integrity. Neuroplasticity is our ability to create new neural pathways so that we have more options when we are triggered. Our “wrestling with God” experience does that for participants on weekends and in trainings. But it also works negatively. Making commitments to yourself is recorded at the cellular level. When we make and then break agreements with ourselves, a new neural pathway provides more options for us next time we make such an agreement. Being out of integrity with ourselves on even little self-agreements makes it much easier for us to break our agreement next time.

“When you are born, you look like your parents. When you die, you look like your decisions.”
- Dr. Crawford Loritts

Continuing Soul Work

That is why it is so important for us to continue our soul work. Holding ourselves accountable when we break agreements with ourselves that no one else knows about is a part of us being the kind of Christ-followers that want to be. Asking for support in our accountability from trusted souls in our lives is a way to strengthen our self-accountability leading to greater integrity with others in our lives. Get into Group. Go to a 2nd level weekend. Get a coach. Volunteer to staff. Join the Men’s 2 Year Program.

Investing in Crucible’s Mission

I have so much gratitude for Redwoods who are investing in Crucible’s mission by giving the opportunity for a weekend to those in their influence. Social media, podcast, blog and post card sharing are helping people begin their journey. My heartfelt thanks for all those who give of their time and energy to work hard making a difference as volunteering in a missional way on our weekends.

I also have deep appreciation for Redwoods who invest in our mission by financially giving to the ministry. As the political season is underway again, I hope you will consider voting for The Crucible Project with the financial resources God has entrusted you with. This year we will host our first ever online auction with proceeds benefiting The Crucible Project. If you have an item that you are willing to donate, let us know. Just in time for shopping for Christmas gifts, you will enjoy the benefits of giving twice: once as you purchase an online item gifting Crucible and the other when you give the gift to the recipient.

Responsible Stewardship of the Ministry

As I mentioned in last month’s newsletter, Crucible leadership has engaged expense reduction leading to early retirement of Larry Korbus and a redesign of our support systems including reduction of hours for all part-time staff. While these cuts mean that some of our ongoing efforts to be ready for expansive growth are on hold, we also know that we must study increasing fees. The amount of financial contributions by Redwoods is directly related to any participant fee increases. It is likely that the financial investment in volunteering in the new year will rise to meet increased inflation expenses on weekends. Responsible stewardship requires it. Be watching for upcoming announcements with details.

Wonder what’s happening in Men’s and Women’s Ministries, check out Lisa and Byron’s articles.

Honored to be in this community and thankful for YOU and all you are doing to spread soul work!

Ministry Updates


I’m checking in full sashet. The truth I don’t want you to know is that last fiscal year was really hard. While impacting 1,585 souls through our various offerings, we were significantly impacted by a new lasting reality.

The New Reality

According the annual Giving USA Foundation Report, American nonprofits and churches experienced among the steepest decline in giving last year. Church engagement remains lower post pandemic for the majority of churches. Nonprofits continue to struggle with a reduction in volunteers. Economic factors, such as inflation, are impacting the cost of doing ministry. In my conversations, other soul work organizations are also experiencing these trends.

While we are beating these reported national averages considerably, Crucible’s new reality is a challenge:

  • Only 61% of initial weekend participants report being invited by a Redwood they know.
  • Average number of participants is growing slowly but well below pre-pandemic attendance.
  • Giving amounts decreased for the second year in a row with donors citing changes in their lives and economic impacts.
  • The cost for lodging and food for each of the over 700 volunteer staff last year exceeded the staffing fee by 12%.
  • Inflation for weekend expenses like retreat sites, food, materials and leader travel skyrocketed providing only 1% of all weekend fees supporting back office support like merchant service fees, website, database and staff.

Facing the New Reality

Responsible leadership means facing the new reality instead of avoiding or denying it. The board, staff and I have wrestled with these challenges for the last several months and are taking additional steps to meet it.

  • Staff Reductions and Reorganization. We can’t continue to maintain the level of staff support available to all of our volunteers with the new financial realities. Effective October 8th, we are reducing hourly employee’s hours by 184 hours and realigning the tasks of the Operations Manager to the part time Men’s and Women’s Ministry Coordinators. This $6,562 reduction in monthly operating expenses are necessary for financial health of the ministry.
  • Review Staff Fees. Most staffers want to pay for their own costs of volunteering instead of putting that on the participant fees. We will study the possibility of matching staff fees to the actual expenses.
  • Personal Redwood Engagement. Community leaders are committed to engaging Redwoods directly and increasing overall community engagement. Connecticut Women’s Community and Houston Community leaders share what they are doing to grow their community.
  • Wake Up the Church to Crucible. We are expanding our efforts through our website, podcasts and social media to let more people know about opportunities for soul work. We are engaging pastors, counselors and coaches to become referral sources, like our recent booth at the American Association of Christian Counselors and Coaches.

YOU are Essential for Crucible to Thrive

You are essential to helping this ministry thrive in this new reality. Will you jump in?

  • Part Time Men’s Ministry Coordinator – Help spread the word that we are searching for who God will bring next to serve in this important role. Reach out to Brittany Duke for the job description or to begin the application process.
  • Share Your Testimonial in a Reel – do a quick video that looks like this or this and send it for us to edit (or just get your questions answered) and we’ll use it in social media on Instagram and Facebook. Just give your name and when you went through the weekend.  What did you want for yourself and how is your life different now?
  • Be a Podcast Guest – Share your Crucible testimonial in a 30 minute podcast interviewed by one of our volunteer hosts.
  • Become a Donor – Join other Redwoods in paying it forward so that no one is left behind by learning all the ways you can donate. Learn how you can Invest in Crucible’s Future. (Link to article)
  • Get Involved Locally – Have a conversation with your regional leadership about how you can get involved in what’s happening in your community.
  • Share the Opportunity to Attend a Weekend – Let go of your fears and share the opportunity to attend an upcoming weekend with family members, friends, church small group, coworkers and community!
  • Volunteer to Staff – Jump back in and take a look at the weekend curriculum from another angle. Many Redwoods report that they get more out of staffing than they did their initial weekend as teachings become clearer.  Apply to Staff!
  • Become a Key Volunteer – Bring your gifts and talents to the corporate support of all of our volunteers in accomplishing the mission by becoming a  .

Crucible has always been a group of people doing their own work helping others do their work. You are the most important part of this ministry meeting it’s mission. What step will you take to help this ministry continue doing what it has always done? Let me know and I’ll share it with the board, staff and key volunteers.

Excited and hopeful about how God will continue to use this ministry!


Ministry Updates

My heart loves big.  I feel tenderness and love for residents of Maui, for my mother-in-law who is ill, for Redwoods I know who are grieving losses and facing major health issues.  I feel love toward souls I know and haven’t met yet who need this work desperately but haven’t made a commitment yet.  I’m tender (and angry) when I run across a Redwood who says that no one ever reached out to them after the weekend.

Is tenderness or love enough?

Sitting in my tenderness is not enough.  Love is not enough.  Taking that energy into action is how we show love.  Apostle John said it this way, “don’t just talk about love as an idea or theory.  Make it your true way of life and live in the pattern of gracious love.”  We show our love when we put our love into action.

Who do you love enough to get into action?

Is there someone in your life you want to get to an initial weekend?  Is there a Redwood you haven’t heard from in a while but haven’t reached out to? Are their people from other countries, or in prison, or survivors of child-abuse, or veterans, or burned-out pastors, or sex traffic survivors, or single parents, or survivors of  that you want to help make whole?

Put your love into action!

Crucible serves all of these populations on our weekends.  Make the call and set up a face-to-face conversation.  Go have your favorite beverage, check in and catch up.  Share the recruitment resources available to you. Come volunteer to staff a weekend.  Can’t staff, express your love through generosity and financially contribute to the work we are doing with the groups above.

Don’t have a community?  Need your church to grow in the principles of Crucible?  Check out this interview with Barry Thomas about how he put his love into action when he faced the same challenges.

Want to get involved?  Learn what’s happening in Men’s and Women’s ministry.

Tough Times Guided By Love In Action

I’ve spent the summer listening to and talking with engaged Redwoods (givers, volunteers, leaders) about the challenging times that I shared at the Annual Gathering.  When tough financial times hit, there are two options: increase income or decrease expenses.  We are after both.

We are doing all we can to increase income by increasing participants in weekends, coaching and groups and increasing financial contributions.  We are also studying increasing fees and reducing staff.  I don’t want to do either, but I love this ministry enough to face hard decisions.

Put your love into action!

As I shared at the Annual Gathering and in meetings with engaged Redwoods, if every active Redwood donated the cost of a coffee a week ($20 monthly), we would have the financial stability needed to leave fees alone and invest in the growth opportunities in front of us.  Put your love into action!

I’m all in!


Ministry Updates

I’m amazed at the impact of this ministry in the world over the past twelve months.  1,585 souls impacted through initial, second level, groups, coaching and staffing.  $97,120 awarded in financial assistance.  But the real immeasurable impact is the countless relationships, families, churches, work places and communities that Redwoods like you and I have changed for good as we lived in a healthier, authentic way!

We will talk about this a bit more at this year’s Annual Gathering.  Communities including Chicago, Colorado/Wyoming, Houston, Northeast US, Tulsa, DFW, Kansas City, Kenya and others are gathering in person.  The Online portion, 11AM – 1:30PM Central includes recognitions for those who are making a difference serving through this ministry.  I hope to see you there!

End of Fiscal Year

As we wrap up our fiscal year which ended June 30th, we are getting a good picture of the ministry’s financial health.  There are certainly warning signs as the average number of participants per weekend is gradually growing.  I am frequently asked “where does all the weekend money go?”  I’m sharing the end of year data with you right here.

Ways You Can Make a Difference in the World

If you want to join with your Redwood Brothers and Sisters in making a difference through Crucible, here are some easy ways to get started.

  • Read  how donating the price of a coffee a week can change a family!
  • Jump in on an upcoming weekend staffing team!
  • Continue your work and stay informed about what’s happening in Men’s  and Women’s
  • Share the opportunity of experiences of radical honesty and grace with your friends, family, church, coworkers, etc., by sharing your story!
  • Lead a pre-weekend Exploration group at  your church or in your community.
  • Subscribe and share the Crucible Podcast, with over 10,000 downloads, on your favorite way to listen!
  • Follow, like, comment, and engage with us Crucible on Instagram or Facebook.
  • Get you some Crucible postcards to share with invitees.
  • Share the Crucible blog with your people, including this week’s latest post from Lisa Modrzejewski.
  • Reach out and check in with a Redwood you have not seen lately.
  • Join a group or get a coach to keep your soul work going!

Robert Kiyosaki is quoted as saying, “It’s easier to stand on the sidelines, criticize, and say why you shouldn’t do something.  The sidelines are crowded.  Get in the game!”  Thankful for all of you who are in the game, making a difference in the world through Crucible by living in integrity, grace and courage, fulfilling your God-given purpose.

Thank you,


Ministry Updates

Checking in hot.  As I write this, Houston is setting record highs with triple digit heat.  I’m so thankful for those of you whose passion to get people you love to the weekend remains hot as you  continue to share podcasts, facebook and Instagram posts, and promote upcoming Men’s and Women’s Weekends.  Hear how one father and his three sons recently experienced the same weekend together.

What’s hot at Crucible?

We are gearing up for the Annual Gathering, July 22nd.  Several communities will be in person while others will be joining only the online portion of the event.  You can connect in your community here or request the online gathering link here

Continuing Soul Work

I keep doing my work.  I love checking in with Redwoods whether it is with one or a whole group.  Checking in is a deeper way of connecting.  I have a coach.  I attend retreats within and outside of Crucible to continue to grow.  I have a group where I do my work.  I work some weekends every year.  I encourage every Redwood to do the same things.

Looking for a Place?

If you are looking for a place to do your work and are struggling to find it, contact Byron or Lisa who will connect you to a group.  In the meantime, call a Redwood you know and check in with them.  Hit one of the upcoming 2nd level weekends, get a coach or invest deeply in yourself through the men’s 2 Year Program.  Join a live workshop or attend a prerecorded session at MyJourneyTo.  Invest in learning how to facilitate by attending an upcoming training.

Opportunities to Serve

Besides staffing an upcoming weekend, you can also bring your skills as a key volunteer.  We are currently searching for who God will bring to our team to assist with Fund Development.  If you are interested in volunteering, please let us know

What a Hot Cup of Coffee Can Do

Summer is our lowest cash flow.  Every summer we struggle with more funds leaving than coming into our bank account.  Did you know that if only half of all the Redwoods donated the average price of a latte a week, this ministry would have all of the funds to meet the growth opportunities ahead of us and fully fund the financial assistance being provided.  In fact, a latte a week can change families, like Jim’s.

I pray you have a safe and connecting summer.  If I can pray for you, let us know. If you want to join our prayer team, let us know.  I am also requesting that you prayerfully consider adding Crucible to the ministry’s you financial contribute to.  Learn about all the ways you can give.  If I can answer any questions, I’d love to have a conversation with you.

God’s blessings on you,

Roy Wooten



Checking in happy that everything is headed in the right direction.  Redwood staffing levels are back where they were pre-pandemic.  Our larger community’s weekends are nearing 2019 number of participants.  Leadership development results in additional safe and high-quality leaders.  So excited to share the final year updates at this year’s Annual Gathering! 


God Continues to Use Crucible 

God has used Crucible this fiscal year-to-date to impact the lives of over 1400 souls in 39 initial and 12 second-level weekends. Over $100,000 in financial assistance has been provided to initial weekend participants.  Growth Group participation continues to increase pace over pre-pandemic numbers.   


Our 6,000 Redwood was on the recent initial weekend in Valle de Bravo, Mexico and 6,559 souls have touched a piece of their shadow and experienced the scandalous grace of God on an initial weekend since Crucible first launched.  We are helping souls live from a place a blessing! 


What is it costing? 

I’m also checking in hopeful that we can continue to meet the growth opportunities in front of us.  With retreat sites increasing leasing fees, inflation driving up food, materials, and leader travel expenses, general operational increases related to our database and website updates, and investments in our future through engagement of Pastors, Christian Counselors, and other strategic partnerships, it is a challenging financial season for this ministry we all love.  


Your Chance to Help 

Jump in and help!  Share podcasts or testimonials with church members, family, friends and coworkers.  Invite someone this week to an upcoming Men’s or Women’s Weekend. Reconnect to your work by staffing an upcoming weekend.  Lead an Women’s or Men’s Exploration Group for people who have not yet gone to a weekend.  Put your talents to use by volunteering as a podcast host or editors, in social media or marketing, content development, organizing an event, or serving on one of our committees.   


A Coffee a Week 

If every Redwood skipped one coffee a week, instead donating the funds to this ministry, all of the funding needs for this ministry would be fully met for all of the growth opportunities presently in front of us.  By joining other Redwoods in contributing just one coffee a week, you would contribute to the ongoing financial assistance needs while supporting the growth of this ministry.  Set up a secure, monthly $25 recurring donation at or find out other ways to give.   


Pray for Crucible 

The board of directors and I frequently pray, as well as our staff team, for you, for those who have yet to come, for Redwoods facing life-threatening health issues and those in grief, and for this ministry.  We pray that God continues to use and bless this ministry as we yield to His will and guidance.  Please join us in prayer.   If you’d like to sign up for a monthly prayer list email, let us know 


God bless you. 

Ministry Updates

April Ministry Updates 


Checking in thankful, happy, and tender.  I am thankful for the weekends I have been a part of over this last quarter.  Redwoods have shared with me how they are stepping into their power and creating the world they want. Staffers frequently share how much soul work they get out of staffing as “every person’s work is my work and my work is every person’s work.”  See what upcoming weekends you can jump into as a member of the staff! 


Update Your Information 

I am excited to provide an opportunity for you to update your information in our secure files at Crucible.  Be watching for an email this week with the subject line: “Help us stay up to date on your contact info.” that will hit your subscribed email address.  A minute or so of reviewing your contact information will keep you up to date on Crucible happenings.  


Key Volunteers 

I’m so happy with the many volunteers who give of their time and talents outside of weekends.  From our regional leaders and board members to individuals who help behind the scenes with a variety of skills.  A special thanks to Maryland Redwood David Clurman for his tireless support beyond weekends editing and publishing Crucible Podcast episodes.  Thank you, David!  Let us know if you want to bring your skills to volunteer! 


Crucible Goes to Prison 

Before the pandemic, Chicago Urban leaders, Michael Byrd and Terrance Foster, dreamed of taking Crucible’s powerful weekend to men behind bars.  Their efforts were joined by Massachusetts Redwood Scott Larson in their second pilot of a modified version of the initial weekend.  A team joined together to serve 30 men inside Statesville Correctional Facility in Illinois.  60 men remain on a waiting list for the next one.  If you want to be a part of this effort as we continue to pilot this unique way to serve, let us know 


Stewarding Every Donor Dollar  

I am excited that, in addition to our Seal of Transparency from Excellence in Giving, our efforts to take care of every donor dollar and engage in best business practices has earned Crucible accreditation by the Evangelical Council of Financial AccountabilityA special thanks to Director of Operations Brittany Duke and the monumental task of the accreditation application process.  If you want to join Redwoods who are paying it forward and leaving no one behind, you can set up a secure monthly donation and learn about all the ways you can give on our Donate page. 


I am happy and tender, full of gratitude, for every Redwood who is creating the world they really want by continuing to do their work, who volunteers to staff or outside of weekends, who engage our outward LinkedIn, Facebook or Instagram social media pages, who subscribe to our podcast, who forward their Compass Resource email to their network, and who provide the financial contributions to keep us going as our weekend participant numbers slowly return to pre-pandemic levels.    


Thank you! 

Ministry Updates

March Ministry Updates 

Look who's coming back... our Savior! This time of year reminds me of the death, burial and resurrection of our Savior, Jesus.  This single act of love assures those of us Christ-followers that we have an assurance of eternity with Him.  It reminds me that Jesus came so that you and I can have life more abundantly.  I’m thankful for Crucible’s part in our lives that helps us have more “life to the full” this side of eternity.  

 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” – John 10:10 NIV 

I am also thankful for all the Redwoods who “pay it forward” to help other souls experience radical honesty and grace by financially contributing every month to the ministry.  You can learn more about the many ways that you can give to Crucible here.  

 Checking in full of gratitude and excitement.  Crucible’s thirteen weekends this Spring excites me that hundreds of Redwoods will lock arms and fight for another soul.  I am so grateful for the hundreds and hundreds of volunteers who staff and serve on our weekends.  If you want to get involved, jump in and staff! 

Group Leadership 

One of the greatest joys since my initial weekend in 2009, has been leading a soul group. 

I love watching participants deepen their understanding of themselves and this work as they build resilience by being in a community of authentic Redwoods.  You may be interested in what it takes to become a certified Crucible Group Leader. 

 Grateful for You! 

I am so grateful for those who have shared their stories or been involved in our Crucible Podcast.  You may be wondering how you can share your ideas about our website or get involved with testimonials or podcasting.   Learn how to get involved. 


 God bless you and yours this Easter! 

 Roy Wooten 

Ministry Updates

This month’s newsletter is titled, “What is Love?”

Over the past three years in this leadership role, I have witnessed love time and time again. Love is when close to 800 Redwoods volunteer to staff other soul’s weekends. They give of their time and energy, miss time with loved ones and some even miss income opportunities to help others get the same type of weekend experience that they had. To staff is love!

I hear love on the over twenty episodes of the Crucible Podcast. Testimonials mixed with conversations leading to new insights week after week. With over 4,000 downloads, our podcast is the #1 way people who do not know a Redwood are finding out about the weekend. Learn more about how to get involved.

I remember experiencing what I believe is love as souls gathered outside of one of our traditional weekends with hugs, smiles, stories, and truth at the Chicagoland Annual Gathering. Love was expressed around tables, down halls, around coffee, in breakouts and from the stage. The 2023 Annual Gathering Co-Chairs have an update about this year’s Regional Gatherings around the country and across the globe where love will tie us all together for online portions.

I see love in every group, 2nd level weekend, training and coaching session that I am a part of.

You can keep up with what is going on in Men’s Ministry from Byron or Women’s Ministry from Lisa. I think that the soul work I continue to do on myself is a way of loving my wife, children, coworkers, church, neighborhood, friends and extended family well.

One of the best ways you can show love to someone is by inviting them to the opportunity to wrestle with God at one of our upcoming initial weekends. In addition to testimonials, outward facing social media channels, Compass Resource emails and podcasts, we are excited to share a new recruiting resource to help you invite someone to experience radical honesty and grace!

“God loves us, so we can love others. God gives us gifts, so we can serve others. God is generous to us, so we can be generous to others. When we love each other, the world knows the love of God. Generosity is an expression of the love of God. It’s one of the fruits of the Spirit.”

- SukYoung Kim, Torch Trinity Graduate University

Generosity is another way I witness love at Crucible. The large number of new monthly donors who signed up during John Ivan’s matching campaign feels like care and love of the ministry. When I go to the mailbox and find an envelope with a thank you note for all that God has used Crucible for in their life – along with a check – it seems like love and generosity are like a hand in a glove. I am thankful for the way so many Redwoods show their love for the ministry by paying it forward and making sure we do not leave any soul behind. Thank you!

God bless you with love!

Roy Wooten

Ministry Updates

Checking in with anticipation – happy, excited, and scared.

The beginning of a new year holds promise for what can be. God willing, we will see us reaching more people with Christ-centered soul work this year. New Redwoods will commit to living a lifestyle where radical honesty and grace are regularly experienced as they continue their work staffing and in a group of other authentic Christian souls.

Upward and Onward

Thanks to Connecticut Redwood and Northeast Co-leader John Ivan, many of you rose to the $25,000 matching challenge and began making regular monthly financial donations resulting in an overall increase in monthly giving. Your gifts provide the foundation of financial planning allowing investments the way ahead. Thank you!

Closing Gaps

We still have a number of Redwoods who staffed pre-pandemic but have not staffed since. We have Redwoods who were in groups but have not returned. Will you reach out to three Redwoods you haven’t seen in a while and let them know you miss them? Your personal touch may be what brings them back to a much-needed community! Sign Up to Staff.

With average weekend participation climbing but well off from pre-pandemic numbers, we have many opportunities to give someone you know the unique and challenging experience of the weekend. Will you reach out to three people you know and share the opportunity to start 2023 off with a lifechanging Crucible Weekend? Your personal invitation may be exactly what that person needs in their life at this moment.

Our ministry’s revenue is flat compared to last year. Our investments in growth are not being matched with the necessary funds required to fuel expansion and growth. If you’re already giving, will you let all the Redwoods you know why? If you are not giving, will you make a small monthly contribution and help fund efforts to expand? Learn More.

Share Crucible:

There are many ways to share Crucible’s lifechanging ministry.

  • If you’re on Facebook, Like, follow and comment
  • If you’re on Instagram, Follow, Share and Comment
  • If you listen to podcasts, subscribe and share
  • If you’re not sure how to recruit others, watch this video
  • If you are part of a Women’s or Men’s church group, get the free Exploration group curriculum.
  • If you have an idea for an event in your community, let us know.

Here for You

I am thankful for you. In whatever way I, and the support team at Crucible, can serve you, please let me know. Together we can close the gaps and make 2023 the best year of Crucible ministry to date.

Roy Wooten

Ministry Updates

I’m tender, excited, and scared as I share this December’s newsletter.

Christmas Can Be a Dark Season

I’m tender for the challenges for so many during this holiday season.  I’m tender for Redwoods fighting health issues, experiencing their first Christmas without a loved one, and struggling with the things they don’t want to do.  I’m reminded by Redwood Women’s Pastor Nikki LePore, that hope can be found even in the dark places.

Excited and Hopeful

I am also excited and hopeful about what God is doing in this season through Crucible.  Communications Coordinator Jess Donovan shares about how so many of you are Hope Igniters. I am also excited about all that God has done through this ministry through the past year as I share in the Year End Update.

 Challenging Time of Year

Over three decades of leading ministries, this time of year is always scary to me.  Many of your churches, and almost all charities, contributions happen between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  The financial donations received during this season buoy the ministry throughout the rest of the year.  I’m scared as I watch our reserves deplete every year to this point and prayerfully wait for generous donations to refill them.

Hope in this Hard Place

I remain excited and hopeful as I collect the ministry’s mail and find checks from Redwoods who always give, and new checks from those who have never given before.  I found renewed hope when Redwood John Ivan called to issue a challenge to all Redwoods to give monthly.

Every new monthly donation made this month and any increase in current monthly donations will be doubled, up to $25,000.  As John said, “Monthly recurring donations give Crucible a stream of resources the organization can count on for planning to meet regular operating expenses and help immensely with financial stability.” (Learn ways to give here.)

A Wish for You

No matter what you are going through, I pray that you will find peace and joy in knowing the living Savior is with you, that your Crucible community is with you, and that my prayers remain with you.   May you find respite and connection.  May you feel hope in all the hard places in your soul!   Hope to see you in 2023 at one of our upcoming events or volunteer staffing an upcoming weekend!


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Roy Wooten

Ministry Updates

I am checking in Happy, Excited and Challenged.

Happy for Your Support

In this season of gratitude, I’m so happy and thankful for Redwoods who understand the need for regular monthly contributions.  Your donations are making it possible to reach our goals with No One Left Behind.  I’m thankful for Redwood Pastor Kevin Pigg’s challenging thoughts on humility and gratitude this Thanksgiving seasons.

Excited about Historic Happenings

I’m excited and thankful for the many historic Crucible happenings. Find out about this last month’s historic happenings in Women’s international work, Chicago Urban Leadership, Veterans and Active Service personnel and Sexual Integrity for men.  I’m also excited that so many of you are applying to staff and reconnecting with so many Redwoods as you serve in the mission.

Challenged to Fund the Strategic Direction

And I am challenged.  For Crucible’s Mission to continue to grow as we believe God is calling us to do, we need the sustainable funding to make it happen.  The strategic direction decided upon by the board is only achievable with donations.

Your Support is Essential

Inflation continues to impact our weekends.  More than 75% of our weekend fees are being spent for direct expenses of the weekend, leaving less than 23% to support back office (accounting, merchant services, website registrations, operations) and our Men’s and Women’s Ministry staff (leadership development, group support, regional leadership coordination, weekend scheduling, etc.).

Giving Tuesday Opportunity

The Tuesday after Thanksgiving is a time that you can let your friends, family, coworkers, and fellow church members know about how they can support this ministry.  Check out the great opportunity for you to share the opportunity to join the mission by financially contributing this Giving Tuesday.  And for those who share on social media, you just might win a giveaway!


I am so thankful for your part in what God is doing through Crucible.  If you want to learn all the different ways you can make a contribution to Crucible, you can always see it here.  Thankful for the hundreds of Redwoods who are funding the mission regularly.  Hopeful that if you are not, you will join in and pay it forward!

With Gratitude,

Roy Wooten, Executive Director

Ministry Updates

I’ve been looking forward to the fall season since winter broke.  We have a season of Crucible weekends that begins in August and runs through May.  I love the fall because it breaks the long summer with few new Redwoods and opportunities to be on the front seat of the “God show”!  There are so many joys of staffing and I hope that you are planning when you will jump in and staff soon!

Whom are You Inviting?

Sharing the opportunity for my friends, family, coworkers, church family and neighbors to experience radical honesty and grace has impacted their lives in immeasurable ways.  Some say “no” or “not right now”, but many have registered and attended.  Some of my invites waited ten years before coming on a weekend.  All have expressed appreciation for the invitation.  If you’re struggling with what to say, check out Enrollment Resource or contact your regional leader, ministry leader or me.

New Faces Supporting You

I’m so happy that Joy Dunning and Grayson Ege have joined the staff team to support you.  Grayson is our new Fund Development Database Manager.  He holds a BA in Business and Accounting and is the only member of the PGA on our staff team.  He, his wife Emy and his young child live in Southwest Michigan.  Joy has stepped into the Women’s Ministry Assistant position.  She is passionate about partnering to bring transformation and hope to those around her and has vast experience serving in an administrative capacity for various ministries. Joy, a Chicago native, lives in Green Bay with her husband Mark and their three children.

Training Opportunities

Upcoming Introduction to Carpet Work Facilitation trainings are scheduled for Men in Colorado in November and everyone in January in Houston and Chicago.  Advanced Facilitation Training in Tombstone is scheduled in Colorado and online in November.  You can find all the training and registration details here.

Excited to announce some special Redwood Men’s groups.  A group for men who have lost a child is ongoing.  A new group is forming around sexual integrity for men.  And a relatively new group of active military or veteran men is growing.  If you know a Redwood man who fits one of these groups, please reach out to them and let them know.

Creating Inertia

Don Davis reminded me that “Objects that are in motion stay in motion and objects that are static stay static.”  I believe that is true with some Redwoods I know.  Many Redwoods are active in groups and staffing, but for some the pause in action during the pandemic have them stuck sitting on the sidelines instead of in the game.  It takes inertia – some force of action – to put them back into action.

I believe this post-pandemic season has a Redwood you know stuck in their easy chair.  It will take the inertia of you calling, texting, visiting and fellowshipping with to get them moving again.  Who do you need to check on?  Who needs a call, coffee or lunch with you?  Reach out so that no Redwood feels left behind!

I’m thankful for this season and I’m thankful for you.  Please let me know how I can pray for your or support you!

Continuing the journey together!


I’m checking in full of excitement.  I networked at this year’s annual American Association for Christian Counselors and Coaches.  I loved sharing about the things that make Crucible so unique in the helping world.

Real, Raw Ministry Impacting Lives

This ministry is rare in the world as we allow radical honesty that is real and raw. Not editing someone expressing their pain or shame is truly rare within Christianity.  Holding men and women while they touch the darkest places within themselves and share their worst moments of their life by volunteers who have done and are doing their own work is even more rare.

God continues to use this ministry mightily as we stay true to our mission.  Having radical honesty greeted with sincere grace is deeply healing.  The impact that we are having on souls who attend our weekends, continue their work through coaching, in group, or at a 2nd level weekend, or those who go deep and long in the 2 Year Program, is miraculous.

If you have not heard, we have a regular check in for Active Service Personnel and Veterans.  If you would like more information, let us know.  We also have an upcoming Redwood Pastors Weekend.  Let a Redwood Pastor or ministry leader know about this opportunity to connect around their soul work journey.

Thank You for Financial Support

At a recent graduation I heard a 10-year-old son of a graduate stand up and share something that I wanted you to hear.  With permission from his folks, I recorded him sharing his thanks to each of you who are givers.  The first few months of this fiscal year has seen an increase in new donors and a 28% increase in gifts over last year.  Thank you for your financial contributions!

Announcing Good News!

I’m excited that our real, raw ministry impacting so many lives can now be heard through the distribution of a weekly Crucible podcast!  You will also be delighted to know that additional support team members are being announced today as Jess Donovan and Kenny Johnston join our staff team.

Crucible’s Future

When I look at the monumental growth expected in the strategic plan and imagine where we will be in 10 or 20 years from now, I know one of the most important things we can be doing is pouring into future leaders.  Crucible leadership has been listening to the next generation of leaders who sat down for an interview in this month’s newsletter.

Please continue to keep this ministry we both love so much in your prayers.  Let us know if there is anything we can do so support your continued growth and development!

Continuing the journey together!

Ministry Updates

I’m checking in happy, tender, loving and connected!  It was such a blast to be with Redwoods from across the US at this year’s in person Annual Gathering in Chicagoland.  I’m excited about the impact Crucible is having in the world and the many Redwoods who are making a difference through this ministry.

Awesome Crucible Annual Gathering

Our third annual gathering and first in-person gathering was a success by all accounts.  Chicagoland Community’s hosting of deep-dish pizza, awesome keynotes by Mikkal Harris, Andrea Ray and John Casey, and informative/interactive presentations by a variety of Redwoods were applauded by all.   Check out the  Annual Gathering Pics and Videos.

The hard work of the committee chaired by Doug Harwood, Jess Donovan, and Lon Oury, paid off with comments like, “I thought it would be great to see everyone and get hugs, but I actually learned something” and “this event far exceeded my expectations.  The quality of the videos, room décor, and food were high!” and “I wish every Redwood who told me they weren’t sure they would make it could have a taste of how great today has been.”  Well done!

Thankful to Key Volunteers!

It was also awesome to celebrate key volunteers who lead within Crucible at the gathering.  Crucible’s mission is only achieved through volunteers on our weekends, in communities, and outside of our weekends.  We also recognized Les Crooks for the first-ever annual Greg Huston Inspirational Integrity Award.   We also heard from many who give monthly about why they give. If you want to join the team or join Redwoods paying it forward by becoming a monthly donor, please let us know.

We are Having a Huge Impact Ministering Together!

This past fiscal year, we completed 31 initial weekends in a good recovery year.  We have planned 53 - the most initial weekends we’ve ever attempted for the next 12 months.  721 volunteers staffed weekends last year and we are expecting over 1,000 to staff in the coming 12 months.  495 new Redwoods last year with a goal to double that in the next 12 months.  1,434 souls were impacted in fiscal year ending June 30.  Together we will reach more souls in this new fiscal year!

Committed to Leadership Replication

The only way we will be able to keep up with our projected growth is by developing safe and high-quality leaders.  Twenty-three current leaders are in the process of being recertified through growth and development plans.  There has perhaps never been a better time to jump into our Retreat or Carpet Leader tracks.  Learn what it takes and how you can become “the next Yoda”!

Thanks for doing your part to achieve the mission.  The 6,000th Redwood just completed his weekend at the Houston Spanish Weekend. As I am writing this, we are currently 6,007 Redwoods strong.  I’m excited about where this ministry is and where we are headed.  God continues to bless and use us working together to impact souls to His glory

With Deep Gratitude!

Ministry Updates

I’m checking in excited!  God is doing so much through this ministry and Redwoods across the globe.  I feel so blessed to be a part of such an impactful ministry that allows me to have deep connections with so many.

Connecting Face-to-Face

In about 10 days many of us will be hugging and connecting face-to-face at our third Annual Gathering hosted by Chicagoland Community.  If you decide you want to join us, we may not have the t-shirt in your size, but register ASAP so we’ll have a meal for you.  If you can’t make it, come staff an upcoming weekend and reconnect with other Redwoods serving participants as they face the fire and find their gold!

Thanks to Les Crooks!

I am also excited that Les Crooks goals of raising awareness and financial assistance was so successful.  During the course of his 11 days riding his bike 3,088 miles across the US bearing the Crucible logo and symbols, website visitors, inquiries about weekends, groups and two year program, and donations soared.  Les’ efforts resulted in pledges and donations of the $100,000 financial assistance goal that he was striving for.  Very thankful for all of the donors and volunteers to served Les and his crew on their journey across the USA!

Record Breaking Financial Assistance

July is the annual beginning of Crucible’s new fiscal year.  I’m happy to report that we finished in the black for the first time in a couple of years!  Your contributions have been the difference as $112,138 in financial assistance made it possible for no one to be left behind over the past 12 months.

No One Left Behind Initiative

When our board and staff prioritized strategic initiatives for this new fiscal year, they seemed to fit well into our new No One Left  Behind  initiative.  We are and continue to take action to not leave anyone behind who might benefit from our weekend by providing more resources to Redwoods for recruiting people to the weekend.  We are also taking steps this year to make sure no new Redwood is left behind by falling through the cracks post weekend.  And we are expanding Crucible’s culture of generosity so that no one is left behind due to financial barriers.

Replicating Leadership

We continue what Greg Huston began and Chris Cleghorn continued as we evolve our training systems for developing safe and high-quality leaders.  Upcoming trainings include weekly online as well as our traditional in person weekend trainings.  This year, our second level weekends provide you with more opportunities to continue your work as they are offered in more communities than ever before in a calendar array with greater flexibility.

5,949 Redwoods (495 new in the last 12 months) strong and with over 800 active volunteers staffing last fiscal year, I’m excited about where this ministry is and where we are headed.  God continues to bless and use you and me to accomplish His good work.


Ministry Updates

Checking in excited! We have so much to thank God for and to celebrate!

God continues to use Crucible for souls across the globe.  We celebrate the new Redwoods in Rwanda and the first 2nd level weekend on the African Continent. Future men’s and women’s weekends in Africa are in the process of planning.  Charlotte and St. Louis communities are each celebrating their first initial weekends in September.  During the Houston Spanish-speaking Weekend, we’ll celebrate our 6,000th Redwood completing our initial weekends!

Many will gather to reconnect at this year’s Gathering in Chicago, July 29-30.  We have extended early-bird pricing through the end of June so “the time is now” to register!  Lunchtime Check Ins continue weekly via zoom for both women and men.  Group participation is up which means more Redwoods are doing their soul work.

Les Crooks is finishing up his 3100 mile bicycle race across America.  He left the Pacific Coast last Tuesday and should be arriving in Annapolis, Maryland in the next couple of days.  Follow him, send him a personal note of encouragement, and consider helping him reach his goal of $100,000 in financial assistance!

We’re hiring! The board and staff have settled on strategic priorities for FY22-23 which includes investments in staff positions.  If you have ever thought about joining Crucible in a staff position, this may be your chance.

August and November are special for Pastors in Crucible.  August 22-24, many pastors and ministry leaders will be leading the Mid-Week initial weekend designed so that a pastor doesn’t have to give up a weekend to start their journey with us.  Let your pastor know or apply to staff. October. 24-27 will be a special Redwood Pastor’s annual retreat.

Lisa Modrzejewski and Women leaders have an upcoming 2nd level weekend “Unshackled” scheduled and are planning their second 2nd level weekend on purpose and mission in the next 12 months.

I’m thanking God for all how He is using Crucible.  So much to celebrate!  Please keep the ministry in your prayers.  Hop into a group, come staff an upcoming weekend, attend a training, get a coach, or attend a 2nd level weekend.

Continuing the journey together!


Ministry Updates

God is moving through Crucible to remove barriers between Him and each soul we touch!  With 20 new Crucible Brothers from our first weekend in Rwanda, 20 Redwoods completing our very first second level weekend in Kenya, and the budding Carolinas Community with excited Redwoods in Myrtle Beach and Charlotte, we are honored to be a part of God’s soul work mission!

Do they know?

Coworkers, friends and family around you may desperately be looking for something like Crucible’s healing work in their lives.  Our responsibility is simply to let them know what God did in our hearts on our weekend and let them know about Men’s and Women’s Weekends and other Crucible resources are available to help.  I have believed for over a decade that it is a disservice to people I know not to give them the opportunity to experience what I experienced.

Last month I shared a video interview about how Dawn Aldrich and the Connecticut Women are using Exploration Groups to grow their community.  This month, Mark Dunning shares the successes of using Exploration Groups to get men to the weekend and keep them meeting after their weekend.

Where are You Doing Your Own Work?

I check in with Redwoods and my wife almost daily.  I am in a group where I do my own work and receive individual coaching.  I sign up to work weekends (including Online Intensives) as it brings me back to my initial core work.  One of the best gifts you can give yourself is to continue your personal journey.  Life has many ups and downs and I have found having a trusted confidential place  to do my work is one of the best ways I can take care of myself and love God and others better.  Get a certified Crucible Coach or find a group.  Resources for Redwoods are always available for you at

Will I See You at the Annual Gathering?

I am excited to reconnect with you in Chicagoland July 29-30 at the Annual Crucible Gathering.  The Gathering Committee led by Doug Harwood, Jess Donovon and Lon Oury has announced the keynote speakers and list of breakout panels and presentations.  We will reconnect and celebrate all that God is doing through us while having some fun.  Registration discounts are scheduled to go away soon so register early!

Get Your Sticker Yet?

One of the joys of my job is sending thank you notes to those who have included Crucible in their generosity.  I’m thankful to all of you current donors (should have received yours already) and the many new contributors who have decided to “pay it forward” by supporting the ministry monthly.  I’m sending every new donor a cool Crucible sticker that can become a point of conversation for friends and family around you.  Learn more about how to get your sticker!

Les Bikes More

Les Crooks has set a wild and crazy goal.  He is racing across America, from coast to coast, to bring awareness about Crucible and raise $100,000.  Like and follow our outward facing Facebook and Instagram pages for updates from start to finish line.  Learn more about donating!

Continuing the Journey!

Roy Wooten

With so much bad news in the press today, I’m happy to share some good “Breaking News”

Breaking News

  • The annual Crucible Gathering this summer hosted by Chicagoland community will be full of reconnection as we return to the homeland of this ministry. Read about who is scheduled to be there!
  • MyJourneyTo is going through transition with more free offerings with the forever free Bronze level and reduced rates for premium membership levels. Read all about it!
  • Get your “Honesty and Grace” Crucible sticker and join Redwoods in paying it forward. Find out how to get yours.
  • Find upcoming events, workshops, training and connection events available for you always at You can always find the link to staff there! Free events you can invite your family and friends to is available at
  • We are blessed to have Redwoods round out the full board of directors this year including Julie Davis, Peter Aldrich, Mark Hollingsworth and Nicole Toranz-Dominguez. Read about all our volunteers serving to steward the ministry.
  • Grief Group for Men – We saw a need for men who lost a child to lean on each other a couple of years ago. If you know a Redwoods who would benefit, connect him with Chris Cleghorn.

Grow with Exploration Groups

We have witnessed great results since launching Exploration Groups for uninitiated men and women a couple of years ago.  Exploration Group curriculum is free to all Redwoods and participation in an Exploration group is free for participants.  One of the many examples about how Exploration Groups are helping grow new communities is available in this 21 minute interview with Redwood and Connecticut Women’s Community Leader Dawn Aldrich.

Correction: I am checking in thankful and happy for Redwood Dave Corlew, Pastor at Arlington Countryside Church, who shared a special Resurrection-Quality Faith story about Redwood Case Jackson on Good Friday.  I got his name wrong in the article and publicly apologize after I have spent time in accountability individually with him.

Thank you for doing your soul work with Crucible. Thanks for sharing what you got with others by inviting them to weekends.  Thank you for contributing to “pay it forward” for others to attend.  Thank you to the many volunteers to lead groups, staff weekends, and live lives of integrity with their spouses, family, work, church and community.

Continuing the journey with you!

Roy Wooten

Ministry Updates

I’m convinced that what God has us doing in Crucible is critical to the Kingdom.  Waking up souls to be fully alive, connecting, standing in their power to create the world of their heart’s deepest desires is not a casual matter.  Souls looking for peace, joy, hope, confidence, belonging find it through the ministry with life-changing impact.  For some souls, our work is literally a life or death situation.  For many, our work has eternal implications. This is serious stuff God has up to.

If Not Me, Who?

As I hear people I know struggling in their lives with God, with key relationships, with hopelessness, etc., it is part of my calling to let them know how they can get help through Crucible.  Not only individuals, but I feel called to wake up the church to soul work.  If not me, then who will do it.  If not YOU, who?

Soul Work Evangelism

It is incumbent upon each one of us to do all that we can to give the gift that we received through this work to as many people as possible.  Besides continuing your personal work so that others see a healthy, balanced soul, we have put our most successful participant recruiter notes together in one place in “How to Spread Soul Work”.  Connecting one soul to another in recruitment efforts has led to expansion across the globe.

Requirements to Spread Soul Work Across the Globe

One essential for soul work to spread is that Redwoods volunteer to bring this work to their community by staffing.  Another essential is the many Redwoods who step up to volunteer their time and talents to bring soul work across the globe (check out Volunteer Opportunities).  None of our expansion happens without those who financially contribute to the ministry’s mission.  By the way, does your company have a matching gift program?

Reconnecting and Coming Home

I sometimes ache to see Redwoods that I haven’t seen in a while.  I am excited to reconnect with you in Chicagoland July 29-30 at the Annual Crucible Gathering.  We will reconnect and celebrate all that God is doing through us while having some fun.  I hope you’ll make plans to join everyone in the land where the ministry started!

Thank you for however you join me in your soul work evangelism.  I stand on the shoulders of so many who have gone before me.  Thankful for Greg Huston, Chris Cleghorn and other leaders for our rich heritage.  Excited about where God will take us as we all work together to spread soul work!

Roy Wooten


Redwood Pastor and Retreat Leader David Nelson says, “When a Redwood walks into a room, I want everyone to feel like saying, ‘Thank God he or she is here!’” I believe for many Redwoods that is the case. We took a risk few have ever taken, came face-to-face with our shadow, and are doing the soul work necessary to live in integrity and create the world the child within us most needs.

Elusive Progress

While many around us have seen the changes in us and some may even want to be more like us, we may have trouble seeing our own personal progress. At other times, we may have made significant heart change and feel the progress while others around us still view us as we were before the change.

Celebrating and Growing

I continue to work on myself. I can see and celebrate the progress I have made. My Crucible group helps me see it when I can’t. But I have not “arrived” yet. I’m a better human than I’ve ever been and I’m not the man I want to be yet.

Continuing Soul Work

That is why I keep doing my work. I love checking in with Redwoods, whether it is with one or a whole group. Checking in is a deeper way of connecting. I have a coach. I attend retreats within and outside of Crucible to continue to grow. I have a group where I do my work. I work some weekends every year. I encourage every Redwood to do the same things.

Looking for a Place?

If you are looking for a place to do your work and are struggling to find it, contact Byron or Lisa, who will connect you to a group. In the meantime, call a Redwood you know and check in with them. Hit one of the upcoming 2nd level weekends, get a coach or invest deeply in yourself through the men’s Two-Year Program. Join a live workshop or attend a prerecorded session at MyJourneyTo. Invest in learning how to facilitate by attending an upcoming training.

Mark Your Calendar

The Annual Crucible Gathering, being hosted by Chicagoland, is scheduled for July 29-30. You won’t want to miss this community gathering with the theme of Homecoming. As we gather, we will reconnect in person and celebrate all God is doing in our lives and through the ministry.

Help Meet the Call from Africa

I am so thankful that Redwoods of Rwanda, Kenya and South African are calling Crucible back. This spring, a small contingent of leaders will meet Redwoods for initial weekends in Rwanda and South Africa, and a 2nd level in Kenya. I’m thankful Chris Cleghorn is leading the team. If you want to help fund this call, you can do it by choosing Financial Assistance and listing Africa in the comment line on our Ways to Give page.

Continuing the Journey,

Roy Wooten

I am checking in tender and happy with gratitude.

I’m tender as I’ve spent a great amount of time visiting with pastors, counselors, medical professionals, missionaries and educators lately.  There is a common theme: “The last two years have been overwhelming and I’m burning out. I don’t know how much more I can take.”  When I ask about how they are taking care of their soul, they share that they don’t take time for it or don’t know where to go.

Soul Work Lifestyle

I’m tender and happy that I have had a group to care for my soul since January, 2009, when I completed my initial weekend.  Through the normal ups and downs of life and over much of my life cycle, Crucible has been the source of continued personal growth and healing.  I have been led through a large number of processes multiple times.  Because of where I am at any given moment in time, they have served me well each time.

Thankful for You

I am in deep gratitude for you.  Redwoods who continue to do their work and show up in their family life, workspaces and churches with authenticity and grace!  Redwoods who sign up to volunteer on weekends or volunteer for the ministry outside of weekends!  I’m thankful for Redwoods who make the ministry part of their legacy by generously donating regularly.

Because of You

Thank you for rising to the critical financial challenges of 2021! While we are not out of the woods yet, it is because of your response that it is financially sound that we do not need to undertake another debilitating staff reduction.  Thank you!

It is you that is providing opportunities for continued soul work.  You will be with ones who staff and recruit participants for 52 initial weekends serving over 1,000 new Redwoods in 2022!  You will fill our new Online Intensives for non-Redwoods.  You provide much needed input to improve what we are doing and assist in evolution of the ministry.

Men and Women and Waiting!

The people who have not yet experiences our weekends need you!  Crucible needs you!  Come volunteer on Weekends and as a key volunteer in the ministry.  Discover how key volunteer Brian Heiser is volunteering in Men are Waiting for You to Volunteer and how key volunteer Colleen Hewitt is volunteering in Women are Waiting for You to Volunteer.  “Jump in with both feet”!


Continuing the journey,

Roy (Majestic Blackfish)



Reflecting on 2021

2021 has been a recovery year for the ministry.  Despite cancelling 15 initial weekends, we ended the year with a total of 29 initial weekends and 4 second level weekends.  We grew the number of Redwoods to 5,733 with 96 new women and 343 new men Redwoods.  611 Redwoods volunteered to staff helping 549 weekend participants wrestle with God and restore their souls!

Planning for 2022

As we begin to turn toward the new year, we are planning to add over 1,000 new Redwoods through 53 initial weekends and serve over 140 in six second level weekends.  I am especially excited to see the expansion of the Men’s Online Retreat scheduled February 18-20th and two later dates.  I’ve met so many online participants who have shared the impact of the online retreat and I believe God is blessing it to accomplish the mission He gave us.

I’m also excited that we will be hosting our first ever 2nd level women’s weekend.  We will continue to expand the introductory soul work experience of My Journey To and continue to spread it across the country and throughout the world with the “free-for-life’ Bronze membership.  We will continue our efforts to serve pastors with another in person retreat as well as continued free groups for Redwood Pastors.

Prayer and Support Needed

When you let me know you are praying for the ministry, my heart swells.  And as I see your financial contributions, I know that you are in the challenging times with me and other leaders as we seek to lead the ministry in this strange season.  If you haven’t donated yet, the time is now.  Only 11 more days to get your 2021 donation into the ministry.  You can donate securely online or send a check to The Crucible Project 1420 Smith St. Waller, TX 77484 any time before December 31st.

Lots to be Thankful for

I’m so thankful for a board of Christ-followers who bring their professional experience and wisdom to help shepherd this ministry.  I am blessed to work with a great staff team focused on supporting the huge number of volunteers across the various regions and countries who are fulfilling our mission.  I am thankful that God continues to mightily use Crucible to impact the Kingdom to His glory!

Merry Christmas!

Roy Wooten

Majestic Blackfish



I’m checking in thankful for having a God of the unexpected.  I’m thankful for God’s presence with me when the worst, unexpected situation happen in life.  I’m also thankful for a God who blesses me in unexpected ways over and over again.

Much about the last couple of years has been unexpected.  I did not expect to be stewarding this ministry through the financial challenges of this moment.  The slow return to the volume of weekends and participants on weekends has meant a reduction in staff and expenses and a depletion of our reserves.

Crucible’s Future Depends on You

Crucible is at a critical moment over the next 40 days.  If enough Redwoods step up and give, Crucible will begin the move from a fee-for-service to a donor-driven ministry.  That means that our fees could drastically drop.  If Redwoods do not step up and contribute, we will make responsible cuts to our staff that will result in less-than-par support for our weekends and other offerings moving forward.

I’m thankful for the many Redwoods who have stepped up to this challenge and set up regular monthly donations or have given a significant one-time donation.  I’m thankful for those who are not Redwoods but give monthly to support this ministry.  Everyone can give something.  If every Redwood gave $10 a month, we’d have all the funding needed to make this transition. Learn the many ways you can give to Crucible.

Redwoods Challenging Redwoods

Del Roquemore invites us to find gratitude and service in the midst of personal challenges in Thankful to Serve.  John Ivan asks “How grateful are you?” and challenges every Redwood to begin giving.  Larry Korbus and Christopher Dorsano challenges every Journey Group to make giving part of the group covenant in Giving Groups.  Les Crooks challenges every Redwood to join him in giving and volunteering as he races across America in the LesBikesMore campaign.   Crucible Men and Crucible Women tell us why they give!

Redwood Gratitude

I’m so thankful for those of you who have staffed, those of you who have completed the Weekend Survey, and inspiring Redwoods like Del Roquemore who are Thankful to Serve.  Thankful for Chris Cleghorn who gave a wonderful benediction at this year’s conference that serves as our prayer this thanksgiving.

God’s Got This

I have been in regular prayer about the critical financial season we are in.  I believe Redwoods will step up to this challenge and catalyze our mission for the next sixteen years of ministry.  I also believe our God is a God of the unexpected and will provide in His timing.  If there are any questions about our finances, don’t hesitate to contact me. Please keep Crucible in your prayers as I keep you in mine.

Happy Thanksgiving,

Roy Wooten


The Next 60 Days Are Critical!

Remember the Jurassic Park dinosaurs relentlessly going after their prey moving steadily toward them with open jaws?  There was no escaping! That’s the visual I conjured up in my mind as I watched a salvage crew in my neighbor’s yard this week.

Only the dinosaurs were gigantic backhoes with a grapple bucket tearing down his house, garage, in ground pool, and trees.  There was no escaping those huge iron claws that ripped open the roof, grabbed the walls, and dumped it all into semi-trailers for hauling away.

What literally took years to build turned into ugly piles of debris overnight.  It was a stark reminder that investments in “things” will eventually come to nothing!

At The Crucible Project our investments are in people.  Not things!  Thankfully, all of us Redwoods have benefitted from staff who invested in us on our weekends.  Investment into the lives of others is long lasting, even eternal!    It’s what Crucible is all about.

Traditionally Crucible has been a “Fee-for-Service” ministry.   But with many weekends cancelled during COVID, fee revenue has dropped significantly.  Even as weekends opened

again, 80% of participants required financial assistance.   During COVID we made strategic investments to be ready for growth once COVID ended.  Even though we controlled expenses, our reserves have been depleted during the last two years.

Going forward, the Board has made the decision to pivot toward a “Donation Funded” ministry. We’ve done so in response to our current financial situation and the fact that a common barrier to Redwood

contributing is the question of why someone should donate to a Fee-for-Service ministry.  We would need to rely heavily on fund development with a target amount of donations to

make it safe for such a transition.

As Roy Wooten, our Executive Director, reminds the Board often, if our 5,574 Redwoods each give as little as $10 monthly, we would totally fund operations.   With increased donations and a nominal weekend fee from staff and participants to cover the actual expenses, future weekends might be as low as $295/participant.  Wouldn’t that be fantastic?  It would open the door for many more people to experience Crucible!

Why are the next 60 days critical for Crucible?  Because they take us into our year-end giving campaign.  This year it is critical we move toward a “Donation Funded” ministry.  Won’t you join us in making a significant investment in people before year end?  It’s an investment that will last forever!

Linda Oury, Chair

Board of Directors


I am imperfect.  While I continue my soul work journey in a group and coaching, my shadow is not always in front of me.  My choices and actions have consequences.  Not only do I pay the price for my choices but there are unintended consequences for others as well.

Continually doing my personal soul work over the last 13 years has me in a healthier place.  I have not arrived and am still on the journey. Because of the grace extended to me, I am much more capable of extending grace to others who might be acting in a shadowy way toward me.  I’m less likely to take it personally and more likely to gently hold a mirror up for them to see how their actions might be causing unintended consequences to myself and others.

Do your personal soul work!  If you aren’t doing your work, you are likely acting out of your shadow causing pain and chaos in your life!  While we are not the only place to continue your soul work, you need to be doing your work somewhere.  I have continually chosen Crucible as my soul work home because God has worked through this ministry to bring me so much healing and grace.

Volunteer to staff an upcoming weekend, join a group, attend an upcoming workshop or 2nd level weekend (check out Upcoming Events), or find a Crucible certified coach.

God is Using Crucible in His Healing Work

This ministry also has shadows.  The Crucible Project is imperfect and makes mistakes.  Leadership choices have consequences, intended and unintended.  The board, staff and I are committed to continuing to look at organizational shadows, own them, and working to hold them out in front of us.   We are open to be held accountable.

Despite the ministry’s challenges, God is using us mightily to bring experiences of radical honesty and grace in a world of uncertainty and pain.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, God has used this ministry to bring light into darkness for over 260 new Redwoods through the servant hearts of over 350 volunteers.


Come connect at this year’s Celebration Conference October 2, 2021 as we celebrate what God is doing through Crucible.  Find out how God has is working through Crucible Women’s work. Learn about how you can share My Journey To and have a chance to win a prize.

Thanks for Your Record-Setting Generosity

I’m thankful for each Redwood whose donations are creating a world where men and women live with integrity, grace, and courage, fulfilling their God-given purpose.  Thank you for your ministry-sustaining contributions during this pandemic season!  Discover the many new ways you can join generous Redwoods in supporting this ministry here.

Big Redwood Love,


Ministry Updates

Sunday afternoon I checked-out in the final staff meeting of an initial weekend.  We were full of gratitude, excited about our new Brothers, sadness that the circle was ending, and deeply connected to each other.  The circle included seven different countries of origin, English and Spanish speakers, mask-advocates and anti-maskers, politically left and politically right, senior citizens and youth, a variety of races, ethnicities and cultures, and divergent opinions about the myriad of challenges in our society and church today.  It was wonderful.

In “The Other Half of Church”, Jim Wilder and Redwood Michel Hendricks propose that a sure sign of maturity is when a person prioritizes relationship over the problem, or issue.   When the issue is more important, humans tend to make “the other” wrong, less-than, un-human, ignorant, stupid, bad, or evil.

There is a great deal of “othering” in the world and in the church today.  It has found its way into Crucible with Redwoods who are not sitting in the same circle, not working on their personal growth, not open to clearings, not willing to have dialogue and conversations.  Social media is not a Crucible circle. The immaturity of those who have not touched their shadow and experienced the grace of God has been mimicked by some of us who have.

Crucible Circles Strong Enough To Hold Differences

When I am doing my work in a soul work circle, our agreements about confidentiality, openness to accountability, focus on how situations provide mirrors and growth opportunities, and willingness to hold space instead of giving unsolicited advice, allow me to focus on my growth.  As I do my own work, I help others with theirs.  My work is everyone’s work, and everyone’s work is my work.

As we seek to be different from the way the world does “othering”, we will find our maturity by stepping into a lifelong soul work circle and focusing on our work.  Volunteer to staff  a weekend, join a group, join the 2 Year Transformational Program, attend an upcoming workshop or 2nd level weekend (check out Upcoming Events).

Crucible Couples Work in 2022

We are excited about adding couples work to Crucible offerings in 2022.  Crucible Founder Greg Huston and his wife have led Dare to Soar Couples Retreats since 2005.  They are working with Crucible leadership to continue their couples work legacy.

I have put together a video update for you about what’s going on in the ministry that you can see here.

Thankful for You

I’m thankful for each Redwood.  We do not agree on everything in life.  I appreciate that what we do hold sacred is a God that has scandalous grace and a community that reflects that grace as Redwoods are radically honest and authentic.  I’m thankful that Crucible creates safe places for those who want to do their soul work.

In gratitude,


Ministry Updates

I spent last week with pastors and their wives from across Texas.  I heard story after story of pastor’s wounds at the churches across denominational lines.  Although this year was particularly brutal, pastors shared the many times over their ministry when they entertained the thought of doing anything else.  Read how you can support your pastor and slow down the mass exodus from ministry.

Crucible Needed Now More Than Ever

Within and outside churches across the globe, I believe what God is doing through Crucible is needed now more than ever.  The stress of the past sixteen months has resulted in increased mental health concerns.  Inflation and income stagnation means people have less disposable income than pre-pandemic.

I believe that people who have never looked for emotional and spiritual help are searching for what Crucible has to offer.  They are searching for a safe place where they can be radically honest and receive radical grace.  They are wondering if they are the only ones struggling with deep sadness, hopelessness, and stagnation.  They want to find their power, passion and purpose.  They want to feel the power of living wirh integrity and creating the world of their heart’s deepest desire.

Connecting Others With Crucible

If you’re like me, you are forever grateful for the person who invited you to your initial weekend.  I hold a special place in my heart for Brandon Brunson.  It also feels good to know that I have been that person for a number of Redwoods who hold me with gratitude.  You can be that person for someone you know.  Let them know about Upcoming Events.

Have You Registered For The Celebration Yet?

I’m so excited about our upcoming IN PERSON Crucible Celebration Conference October 1-3 in Houston.  Plans for the Friday night connection party are being made by the local community.  Speakers and breakout sessions are being developed.  A wonderful banquet celebrating key volunteers will conclude out Saturday evening.  Local churches with strong Crucible connections are looking forward to hosting on Sunday. Bring your spouse and plan to join us for a connecting experience!

Get Your Crucible Warrior Sticker Yet?

I’m so thankful for the generosity of so many Redwoods!  Your sustaining gifts have kept the ministry ready for the full schedule of upcoming events.  I sent everyone who gave in the last twelve months a couple of our new Warrior Stickers.  I want to send one your way when you make a recurring monthly gift of any amount!  Learn how you can get yours!

My heart is full of joy and gratitude for you.  May God continue to bless you and this ministry as we join Him in his Kingdom work!



Ministry Updates

We all have a warrior within us.  It is the part of us that stands up and sets boundaries, moves from talking and thinking about something into action, and engages to fight for protection of ourselves and others.  Our warrior moves with strength and courage to be courageously vulnerable, live authentically and take responsibility for our own mess.  It is the part of us that keeps the agreements we make and steps into owning it when we don’t.

On our initial weekend, we were invited to hear the voice of God tell us: “You have passed the test. You have what it takes… You are a warrior in My army”.  While we strive toward healthy and balanced parts of ourselves, it is our warrior that rises to challenges that come before us.

Rising To The Challenge

I am thankful for the Board, staff, volunteers and Crucible Community as I judge we have together risen to the challenges of the last fifteen months.  Over 250 weekend participants and over 230 weekend staff have engaged in their soul work since the pandemic started.  We have a lot to celebrate about our weekends including a special upcoming initial midweek weekend for your Pastor.  New COVID Guidance provides freedom for mask-optional weekends going forward.

We completed two initial Online Retreats and will have our first Pacific Coast Men’s and Western Australia Women’s Online Retreats this fall. We launched new communities in Mid Atlantic, Wyoming, St. Louis, and Minneapolis.   And we added monthly workshop and expanded Leadership Training offerings.

We held our first Celebration Conference (online) and are looking forward to convening IN PERSON October 1-3 in Houston.  Bring your spouse and plan to join us October 1-3 for a connecting experience!

Redwoods have risen to the challenge with financial contributions this fiscal year. Giving is 14% above last year’s record setting year.  I’m so thankful for the generosity of so many Redwoods and am sending each donor two Warrior Stickers to proudly display.  Learn how you can get yours!

We launched outward facing social media channels so that you can share Crucible easily with your friends, family and church.  We launched pre-weekend Exploration Groups for you to lead your church group.  We gave away hundreds of our free ebook “Faith Over Fear” for everyone who joined the monthly Compass Resource NewsletterMy Journey To launched pre-weekend offerings for English speakers across the globe, including Christ-centered soul work groups for every adult you know!

I thank God for you as you step into your warrior and rise to the challenges in this world.  You are creating a world of radical integrity, honesty and grace!

On the journey with you,



I am checking in excited about all that is happening in Crucible!


We home completed our 16th Crucible Weekend during a pandemic with 229 staff volunteers serving 181 participants on two continents.  While our weekends have been in in low-risk areas with masking and social distancing, weekends going forward will be “Mask-Optional”, where possible, due to the new CDC guidance.  Re-engage your soul work while serving others by joining one of the upcoming early fall staff opportunities!

Planning is underway for an initial Men’s Weekend that every Pastor can get to.  August 22-25, Monday night through Wednesday afternoon, we will host a midweek Weekend so that those who preach on Sundays and experience this life-giving work.  Read more about upcoming Pastor’s events!

New Communities Launching

I’m also excited about new communities launching their first Weekends!  Northeast is booming with activity as Connecticut hosted their first Women’s Weekend and the Maryland Community just completed their first Men’s Weekend.  First men's weekends are currently being finalized in Wyoming, St. Louis, Seattle-Tacoma and Minneapolis.

Crucible Celebration Conference In Person This October

The Crucible Celebration Conference is excitedly planning our 2nd annual conference hosted by the Houston Region.  Break-out presentation proposals are still being accepted.  Bring your spouse and plan to join us October 1-3 for a connecting experience!

Soul Work Groups for Everyone

Regional Leaders are ramping up in person group opportunities.  At least one online workshop or event is being led by veteran facilitators monthly, which you can find at  Redwoods are joining together for weekly “Check Ins” led by leaders.  You can find scheduled community events at

The Exploration Group Curriculum, for those who have not “wrestled with God” yet, is available for free for you to host groups with those you hope to attend someday. Contact Byron or Lisa if you are interested.   The new digital soul care support,, available for every adult you know, provides rich online resources to help friends and family step tip toe into soul work at a nominal price.  Read about new group resources in this month’s newsletter.

Thanks for Contributing to Crucible!

I am grateful for every Redwood who has joined the team who contributes financially to keep this ministry moving and growing.  You are vitally important to what God is doing, and will do, through this ministry.  We still are operating at a financial gap.  If you are not a donor, learn how you can join in through all the many ways at  Learn how you can double your support a book about Crucible in the next 30 days.  I would love to hear from you about why you give, or don’t give, to Crucible.

On the journey with you,


Ministry Updates

I am checking in excited to be part of what God is doing through this ministry right now and what I believe we are joining with Him to do in the next several months!


We continue to have safe weekends in low-risk areas with masking and social distancing.  Our next Online Retreats are being scheduled.  Where public health guidance allows, the COVID Committee has provided new guidance for “mask-optional” weekends taking into account the ever-evolving pandemic learnings.  Complete the staff application for upcoming summertime weekends!

Journeying Together In Soul Work

New 2 Year Groups and Growth Groups have and are forming. At least one online workshop or event is being led by veteran facilitators monthly.  You can find register for upcoming events at and three sponsored live soul work events for everyone you know within My Journey To Events.  Redwoods are joining together for weekly “Check Ins” led by leaders.  Regional leaders continue to host online “breakfasts” and other events where soul work continues.   You can find scheduled community events at

New Help for Friends and Family

I believe that the world is at a critical moment of spiritual awakening.  My experience has been that leaning into authenticity with openness removes many of the barriers placed between ourselves and God.  As each of us (and everyone we know) emerge from one of the most challenging years of our lives, the new My Journey To Assessment is a tool to discover our strengths and growth opportunities and begin intentionally creating the life we desire.

The new digital soul care support, available for every adult you know, provides rich resources to help friends and family step tip toe into soul work at a nominal price.  The path for many of those that we deeply want to get to an initial weekend now has new resources to provide help NOW, before the weekend!

Meeting the Challenge and Celebrating

I am deeply thankful for each Redwood who has stepped up to the plate during this challenging year with financial contributions.  Although donations this year have been the highest on record, our total income is $307,117 less than this time last fiscal year.  Federal legislation has provided new giving opportunities in 2021 that are summarized at That is also where you can securely make your contribution!

Mark your calendars for October 1-3, 2021, for our 2nd Annual Crucible Celebration Conference hosted by the Houston Community.  The Conference committee is working on fun, inspiring and connecting activities throughout the weekend.  Let us know you would like to help on the Conference Committee.  Complete this Presentation Proposal if you are interested in presenting at a break out session.

Continuing the journey with gratitude,


Ministry Updates with Executive Director Roy Wooten


This month is the anniversary of the pandemic’s impact to Crucible.  Around this time last year, Crucible leadership began thinking about how to stay in mission while responding to the world-wide crisis.  One challenge was how to quickly and safely begin in-person weekends and groups.

I’m checking happy and hopeful!  Happy that it appears we are on our way out of the year-long pandemic.  I am hopeful that the nine weekends that we have held in the past six months will proliferate into dozens more over the next six months!  I am especially hopeful that mask-free weekends will return in July or so!

We continue to meet our mission in groups, workshops, leadership development and weekends.  As always, you can find upcoming workshops and leadership training at the special address just for Redwoods,

Another challenge was to assess what new opportunities this season provided the ministry.  We were inspired by the story of what Isaac Newton accomplished during such a time.  I am happy to report on two major initiatives to spread Christ-centered soul work across the globe.

My Journey To Renewal Wellness and Belonging

This month we formally launched My Journey To, a rich resource for introducing potential future Redwoods to soul work.  Because the assessment, recorded exercises, groups, coaching and live facilitated events are online, souls throughout the globe now have soul care, anywhere!

I am excited to personally share this new resource with people who have said they might attend a weekend someday, but have never registered.  I also have shared it with hundreds of my counseling and pastoral colleagues as a resource for them, or an adjunct for those receiving counseling.  If you would like to know more about this new offering, Bob Locascio shares a video tour in this month’s newsletter.

Online Retreat

Around this time last year, a “Dream Team” committee gathered, including both Men’s and Women’s Ministry Leaders, Judson Poling, John Casey, Scott Selby, and Linda Oury.  The committee asked the question: “Is it possible for people to experience experiential transformation, like our powerful weekends, in an online setting?”

After several sessions working through all the reasons it would not work, the committee began putting together a series of powerful online experiences.  Two online pilot retreats held in February resulted in nineteen new Redwoods who got what they came for.  Both Men’s and Women’s staff and participants overwhelmingly agreed that Crucible should add Online Retreats to our offerings moving forward.

Crucible Leadership’s final approval was made earlier this week.  We believe this new offering will result in global expansion at an accelerated pace and allow Redwoods who have not been staffing due to their health or maturity an opportunity to reengage staffing again.  If you want to be included in staffing an upcoming online retreat, contact Byron Myers or Lisa Modrzejewski.

Can you join me in giving to Crucible?

The truth about me is that Crucible changed my life and the lives of most of my family members.  I share some of the reasons in a testimonial video  and humbly ask every Redwood to join me in becoming a monthly contributor to the ministry.  There a special tax benefits this year due to the pandemic and many different ways to give, which you can read about here.

I am deeply thankful for each of you who pray for, volunteer in, and donate to this ministry we love so much.   May God continue to bless you and The Crucible Project!

Continuing the Journey Together,

Roy Wooten

Executive Director

Ministry Updates with Executive Director Roy Wooten

I received three emails recently asking when we will begin having Weekends again.

Please tell everyone you know that we have been having Weekends since September.  Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have held three second level weekends (Colorado, Houston and Australia) and six initial weekends (CT, CO, TX, AU & online pilots).  Because we are following official COVID guidance, we have not experienced a virus outbreak on any of our weekends!

We are doing everything we can to spread Christ-centered soul work across the global.  We now have more tools in our toolbox for soul work evangelism.

It is great to watch our Redwood numbers rising again!   5,348 souls have felt the heat, faced the fire and found their gold.  We are planning to have hundreds more join Redwood Communities in 2021.  Six initial weekends are scheduled in March alone.  Come join the staff of an upcoming weekend near you.  And let your friends, family, coworkers, church members and neighbors know that they can sign up for a weekend at

Investing in Your Self

I am thankful for the many Redwoods who are investing in their personal soul work through weekly check ins, one of the many transformational workshops we are offering,  signing up for group, confidential coaching from a certified Crucible Coach or participating in one of our four second level weekends for men.

The most transformative program we have for men is the 2 year program.  Byron Myers, Men’s Ministry Leader, and I, sat down with several 2 year program facilitators for a discussion about what they have seen God do through this program.  Watch it here.

Many of you have invested in your leadership within Crucible.  As always, you can find upcoming workshops and leadership training at the special address just for Redwoods,

Invest in the Ministry

I love Crucible.  I am so thankful for the many Redwoods who also love Crucible and have locked arms with me and other Redwoods in setting up safe and secure monthly contributions.

If every Redwood gave just $9 a month

all of Crucible’s financial support needs would be totally met!

Continuing the Journey Together,

Roy Wooten

Executive Director


Ministry Updates with Executive Director Roy Wooten

I’m checking in excited and tender for this new year.  2021 feels a great deal like 2020 to me so far.  Social and political unrest, a pandemic still with us, and challenges in the economy, sounds like the repeat of the same verse we were singing collectively together last month.

Stepping Into Responsibility for My Soul Work

I remember sitting in a circle on a second level weekend listening to Lon Oury teach about the Drama Triangle.  He shared that when the unexpected shows up in our lives, we are invited by ourselves or others, into drama.  When we are not living in full authenticity, we unintentionally take on roles of Victim (poor me), Hero (poor you), or Villain (screw you).

Stepping out of the drama triangle requires 1) becoming aware that my choices of led me to be inauthentic, 2) accept 100% responsibility to step out of drama and into the power to create and influence the world around me.

The unexpected has happened to all of us.  Some are stuck wearing the masks of blaming, condescending or causing pain.  Some have moved through the drama to a place of responsibility.  It is my goal to assure that everyone who stands into responsibility for their soul work has access to Crucible offerings, weekends, groups and coaching.

Around the Corner

The five weekends we have held since the beginning of COVID have been exciting.  We have many scheduled and some are receiving staff applications at this time.  We are hopeful that “herd immunity” will be achieved this year resulting in reduction of public guidance allowing many more weekends.

Both the men’s and women’s newsletters have exciting upcoming offerings for February.  Our leadership development remains on full throttle.  And the new preweekend online offering My Journey To will help souls across the globe grow in their self-awareness without giving away the Weekend surprises.

Meet the Staff and Join the Team

It is such a pleasure to work with a great staff ministry team.  This month’s “Town Hall Live” provided the regular updates as well as some personal interviews of almost all our staff team.

Crucible needs you!  We are looking for several volunteers to come join the team.  We also need Redwoods who believe in the mission and join as a monthly contributor to keep the ministry ready to spread soul work across the globe.

As we launch into 2021, I pray God blesses you with awareness to step fully into responsibly caring for you your soul.  Let me know how we can help!

Continuing the Journey

Roy Wooten


Ministry Updates with Executive Director Roy Wooten

I’m checking in loving (tender) and excited.  This time of year I am reflective on the last twelve months.  What a year 2020 has been!

The past twelve months in this ministry can best be described in the way trees exist this time of year.  During winter, what we can see above ground is that most trees have no leaves and look dead.  But according to one report, “unlike the aboveground parts of most trees that pass the winter in a prolonged dormancy… tree roots seem to maintain a readiness to grow independent of the aboveground parts of the tree.”  The author further reports that root growth happens as ground temperatures allow.

While weekends have been few during the pandemic, Crucible has maintained a readiness to grow independent of our weekend schedules.  It may have looked as if we were not doing much at all, but we have been active in ministry and readying the ministry for growth again.

The hard work of our small staff team and key volunteers has produced new and expanded Exploration Groups (preweekend) and Growth Groups (Redwoods).  We have continued our leadership development investing in new retreat, carpet and group leaders for our future growth.  A new group of coaches will soon be certified and available for individual sessions.  And a new preweekend online offering is launching in early January. My Journey To will help souls across the globe grow in their self-awareness without giving away the Weekend surprises.

We added regular prayer meetings, check ins, and at least a monthly workshop. In fact, we have one just as many of us are planning our new year. I hope you will consider joining us for Creating the Year Your Heart Desires Most in early January.

We added a monthly conversation called, “Town Hall Live” where all of your Crucible questions can be answered and you can keep up with what God is doing through this ministry.

We developed a new outward-facing email called Compass and gave away our first publication, a devotional book written by over a dozen Crucible authors and edited by Redwood Nancy Reilly called “Faith Over Fear: Connecting with God during a Pandemic"”.  Podcasts are in development. Behind the scenes, many of our back-office technology automations have been completed.  Policies and protocols have been updated.  The infrastructure for the ministry has been strengthened over the course of our “dormant” period.

I know holidays can be tough for those of us who have lost loved ones.  I’m tender and sad in the losses within Crucible I am aware of. Thinking about the Redwoods we grieved this year, I will be joining many of you as our Christmas Tears fall this year.   I can only imagine how much more difficult seasons of grief would be if I did not have Redwoods holding space and supporting me.

2021 will be a year when our Redwood roots spread out to reach new Redwoods!  In the Annual Report I sent you by mail, you can read about the five year plan and our strategic priorities for 2021.  I am so thankful for Redwoods who make monthly contributions to keep us ready for growth.  The only way we will be able to make the strategic plan a reality is by Redwoods generously supporting the spreading of soul work across the globe.

As we close out this historic year, I pray God grants you a safe and Merry Christmas!

Roy Wooten

Ramblings from Roy Wooten, Crucible Executive Director

Roy’s Ramblings November 2020


This incredible movement across the US and the world is radical, edgy, and full of risks.

Living with impeccable integrity, authenticity, courageous vulnerability and radical grace is so counter-culture to society and church-life that it feels dangerous. I believe soul work is the very thing that our relationships, workplace, church and neighborhoods need most at this very moment!

That is why earlier this year we launched Exploration Groups and made it available to all Redwoods who can gather men or women who have yet to attend our Initial Weekend, so that they can begin their journey with preweekend services that do not give away the Weekend.

That is also why we have launched a monthly outward-facing email, COMPASS, that you will also begin receiving every month around the 5th.  And that is why we will be launching a new pre-weekend offering called My Journey To.

The Crucible Project is the framework that keeps the soul work movement growing. This ministry, that provides structure and reach, is indispensable in reaching all Christ followers everywhere.

This soul work movement will not be stopped by a pandemic. We have completed four face-to-face weekends since the pandemic started and the full 2021 schedule is online for Women and Men now.  You can sign up to staff an upcoming weekend close to your home.   Training and Workshops as well as weekly check ins continue throughout the pandemic.  You can buy Crucible branded merchandise as well as register for trainings, workshops or other events at

Faithful Redwoods across the globe are keeping this ministry alive as we continue to ignite Christ-like change in men and women though experiences of radical honesty and grace.  My heart is full of gratitude for each one of you!

More than any other time in our history, the organization needs you to Join the Fight to spread soul work across the globe. If we are to fulfill the vision that God has laid before us, it will take courageous Redwoods to take their place alongside early founders and faithful givers to keep the movement and this ministry moving in mission.

As you celebrate Thanksgiving, my prayer is that you find all the good to appreciate , even during this strange season of pandemic and political tension.  Please prayerfully consider a donation to The Crucible Project as 2020 comes to an end.

May you and yours have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

Roy Wooten


Roy's Ramblings October 2020

I’m checking in excited!

2020 has been a year of the unexpected. Disasters from fires to hurricanes, ill-defined new illness, political unrest, hug-deprivation, economic turmoil, losses of loved-ones, working and schooling from home, and all of the regular challenges of life of we face. Each challenge has brought with the stress new learnings about myself and how to live better in mission.

Regardless of the challenges, this ministry remains active in our mission. Soul work is again happening on weekends. In September, Houston hosted Leading from Joy with 22 participants. This past weekend 22 staff gathered to serve 17 participants in a Men’s Initial Weekend hosted by Northeast US Connecticut. More Weekends look possible this fall and the weekend schedule for the first half of 2020 are all available at

Additionally, soul work is happening in Growth Groups, and extended in Growth Group 2.0, and in 2 Year Transformation Groups and in Coaching. New free weekly Check Ins are happening for Men and Women. Leadership development remains active with upcoming Trainings. Access to any of these offerings are always available for you at

Celebrating Crucible

And there is more to celebrate! Redwoods from across the globe gathered online for our first Annual Crucible Celebration Conference. It was not all that we had planned for the face-to-face postponed in May, but it was uplifting with connection. If you missed the conference, you can see the community videos, fun and hilarious hosts, announcement about Crucible SWAG , Unsung Heroes awards, and presentations about stewardship and strategic direction at our community spotlight page.

Courageous Story Telling

I’m paraphrasing a saying that has been around Crucible since its earliest days: “Every soul’s work is my work and my work is every soul’s work!” It means that when I see another’s work, I can almost always find something about their work that I can learn from. It touches something of my own soul work.

We have experienced some great books by Redwoods sharing their story. In Redwood Jason Wilson’s Cry Like a Man: Fighting for Freedom from Emotional Incarceration, Jason reveals all of his story and his road to recovery through The Crucible Project. Jason Bachman writes the history of Crucible Founder Greg Huston and the history of The Crucible Project in Grace and Truth: The Leadership Legacy of Greg Huston .

And this month, read about George M. Coen’s incredible story of healing physically, mentally and spiritually, and The Crucible Project’s part of the story, in his new book, Collateral Damage: A Journey in Dealing with Combat-related PTSD.


I am excited about where we have been and where God is taking us as a ministry. You are a vital part of this powerful ministry. Thank you for all you are doing to sustain the ministry through your faithful giving. Thank you for stepping up to volunteer as a staff member serving others.

May God continue to bless you and The Crucible Project to His glory!

Majestic Blackfish

Roy's Ramblings September 2020

Resilient Redwoods

Headlines in mid-August declared the destruction of the Redwood grove in Big Basin Redwood Park by the West Coast fires. After the fires, reports surfaced that the “old growth redwoods, some of them 2,000 years old and among the tallest living things on earth” had survived. “Every old growth redwood I’ve ever seen… has scars… been through multiple fires..” The report stated, “The reason… is because they are really resilient…they have thick bark. They have tannins and chemical compounds that make them fire-resistant… Redwoods have the ability to re-sprout… regrow.”

I’ve spoken with many Crucible Redwoods during this time of significant challenge who are resiliently surviving the fires burning around them and growing through it all. I see Redwoods who passed the test on our weekends also passing the testing of this season.


We have much to celebrate! The Redwood grove survived the fires and Redwood groves across the globe are leaning on each other while growing through soul work. We are celebrating that last fiscal year ended in June with record funds raised by generous Redwoods. We celebrate that a fellow Redwood, Jeff Madsen, so eloquently captured the story of Founder Greg Huston and the history of The Crucible Project in an e-book that will fund the Urban efforts of Greg’s heart.

We are celebrating Redwoods from every community who work behind the scenes with little thanks at our upcoming Crucible Celebration Conference, Saturday, October 10th. You will have a chance to reconnect with Redwoods over lunch, win new Crucible swag, and hear what God is doing and going to do through the ministry and how you can get involved.

Adapting and Adjusting

Just as you have probably done, we have continued to adapt our finances to fit our current realities. We reduced our expenses through a staff reorganization. It is exciting to see our new Mens Ministry Leader and Womens Ministry Leader actively pursuing weekend and group support, leadership replication and community development.

We have implemented modifications to allow for weekends during a pandemic which has resulted in a number of scheduled weekends this fall looking possible. We have gathered some of the best soul work minds in considering how we might better support soul work preweekend in new offerings.


I am excited that you will soon see opportunities to continue your work in new offerings. I remain excited that The Crucible Project is withstanding the fires of this season, resilient and still after all God would have us to do. I am excited to see your face at this year’s first annual conference!

Continuing the journey with you…

Roy Wooten

Executive Director

Roy's Ramblings August 2020

I’m checking in tender, sad and scared. Tender for Redwoods who have passed, who are experiencing grief in the passing of loved ones, who are struggling in their health, who find themselves between jobs during a slow job market, who have more month at the end of every paycheck, who are overwhelmed by the confusion of educating their children, and for those who lead making tough decisions where there is no consensus.

For more than a decade I have witnessed Redwoods show up on weekends and in groups ready to assess how the problem area in their life is serving them, willing to look at how the challenge is a mirror highlighting a growth area, and open to assessing the wounded shadow that might be in work in their lives. I am so thankful that the soul work skills we learned on weekends and practice in our group life are helping us through the pandemic.

Sad and scared as I judge some Redwoods, not doing their soul work, spewing their unhealed mess onto others. “Those people” who disagree with our personal belief system or political leanings are frequent targets of our projections. Crucible challenges each of us to own our judgements, accepting personal responsibility and continue your work in groups or coaching.

“Dialogue is an invitation to a conversation without expected results.” – Martin Buber

Crucible Strong Enough For Dialogue

This ministry has enjoyed a focus on the key principles of experiential Christ-centered soul work since our earliest days. At the same time, Redwoods have rarely all agreed on much else. During this rare season when differences of world view within churches and across the political spectrum are being highlighted, it is our focus on our personal soul work journey and our collective belief in Crucible principles and skills that will sustain each of us and the ministry.

One of the joys for me in the seventy-plus weekends I have staffed is witnessing two or three Redwoods with different Christian views or political leanings having dialogue in a safe way. I hope we can get back to weekends again soon, but the opportunity remains the same. When Redwoods are doing their own work in a group or coaching, they can safely dialogue with other Redwoods who might see the world through different lenses.

Keep On Your Soul Work Journey

If you are not in a group or coaching, there are several opportunities to get back on your soul work journey:

Mark Your Calendars

I am excited that the Conference Committee has finalized an online Crucible Conference date for October 10th. Mark your calendar now!

I provide an update on the status of the ministry in the Town Hall Live Video that you can watch as your schedule fits. Mark your calendar for the next Town Hall Live scheduled for Thursday, September 17th, 6:00-7:00PM CST.

I am proud of Regional Leaders, Community Builders, volunteer Board Members, Retreat Leaders, dozens of key volunteers, and our staff team. Most not only volunteer their time in the mission, but also share generously through donations. You can always invest in the ministry’s future.

Peace and Grace,

Roy Wooten

Executive Director

Roy's Ramblings July 2020

Refocusing on Crucible’s Core Work

What an incredible experience the world and our nation is going through! I’m checking in with the full range of emotions around all that is happening. The pandemic, social unrest and hyper-politicization that suggests what fast food chicken or can of beans you buy determines your political beliefs.

Environment Affecting Crucible Community

Unfortunately, the messiness of this season has also crept into The Crucible Project. Redwoods have voiced hateful and mean-spirited words to and about each other outside of the grace-filled containers where safety and acceptance reign. I believe Satan is seeking to divide this powerful ministry. I am thankful for the courageous Redwoods who have held me to account and spoken truth directly to me regarding these matters.

Jesus was full of truth and grace. Our mission is focused on creating Christ-like change through experiences of both radical honesty and grace. One without the other creates chaos and lack of safety.

Impeccable Integrity and Accountability

I’m reminded what our Founder, Greg Huston, taught us about living with impeccable integrity. 1) Make clear agreements. 2) Keep your agreements. 3) Renegotiate any agreement you find you can’t keep, and 4) Clean up any broken agreements. By stepping into responsibility and living with impeccable integrity, I am in a place of fully creating the world I really want in my heart of hearts.

He and others also taught that if you feel someone is out of integrity, go to them to support their accountability. If you have high emotions about the situation, your body is inviting you into personal soul work that will assist you in clearing some of that energy. These are not incongruent with my understanding of scripture’s teachings on such matters, but are not focused solely on reconciliation, which likely includes continued conversations and learnings.

All Crucible Leaders are required to live by these principles and continue doing their own personal soul work in group or in coaching.

Christian Soul Work Needed Now More Than Ever

I believe each of us, our families, friends, churches, coworkers and neighbors need Christian soul work principles now more than ever. As each of us continue our own soul work journey and we invite others to begin theirs, we are changing the messy world and creating the world we deeply desire.

As a key leader in the Christian soul work movement, the ministry’s future is bright. Despite the challenges of this season, we are on the right path toward enlarging our influence throughout the global Christian world. It is our singularity of focus on our long-held key principles that will get us there

We find ourselves as a ministry in a place where we have the opportunity to show the world how Christians work together for Kingdom work. I believe it is our soul work skills that will help us through this period.

You Are Invited and Accepted

I want you to know wherever you are at this moment in your journey, you are accepted by the Crucible community.

I hope you will take advantage of these upcoming opportunities:

Wherever you are along your journey, you are welcome and valued in this community.

I ask for your continued prayers for me, The Crucible Project and all Redwoods.

Roy Wooten

Executive Director

Roy's Ramblings June 2020

In the last process before I left my initial weekend in January, 2009, the process leader told me that I had “gale force winds” in my future. Some gale force winds are of my own making. But everyone this year has been affected by the unexpected gale force winds of 2020, not of our own making.

The ministry is active in mission despite the unexpected storms. We recently released COVID19 guidance allowing for face-to-face weekends, groups, training opportunities and community gatherings and pushed decisions regarding cancellation decisions closer to the site locations.

The gale force winds have not slowed down much of our mission-centric work. Redwoods are active in mission leading Growth Groups and the new pre weekend Exploration Groups. In preparation for other new pre weekend services, outward facing social media channels have been activated and podcasts are in development. The work of program incubation committees is producing dozens of new programs, many of which will soon be provided online.

In many areas, the inability to meet face to face has expanded our work. Regional Breakfasts have now gone online allowing for Redwoods from across all Crucible communities to attend. Our 2 Year Transformation program continues to prepare men for engaging life authentically in mission. We have almost double the number of souls in groups or in coaching we had this time last year. Join us for our evening prayer together (through July 7th) every 7:30PM Central Time at this ZOOM Link.

On my initial weekend, I was told that the “survival secret of the mightiest trees in the world is that they hold each other up”. That is how we survive the gale force winds we create for ourselves as well as the unexpected ones that we are going through simultaneously. Satan knows that we are most easily picked off when we do not hold each other up.

My heart is full of gratitude for each Redwood who has reached out to me personally.  When you connect with me, either through courageous conversations about disagreements me with or the ministry, or with appreciation and encouragement, you “hold me up”.  You hold me when you speak your truth about this ministry we both deeply love.  We hold this ministry up during our monthly Town Hall Live meetings, scheduled next for 6PM Central on Tuesday, June 30th, at this ZOOM Link.  I hope you join and share in continuing to hold up the Crucible ministry.

I’m happy to report that despite the challenges of 2020, Crucible is on mission. The Redwood value of generosity is keeping the ministry financially sustainable. I am so proud to be a Redwood every time I witness Redwoods holding each other up. We will get through this storm with God’s help and by holding each other up!

Bless you,

Roy Wooten

Roy's Ramblings May 2020

The Crucible Project is a ministry that I deeply love and appreciate. I love the deep, authentic connections that have been created through sharing my deepest wounds and hearing another’s. Sharing in each other’s suffering creates a bond that is nearly impossible to break. I love that I have heard well over 2,000 men share the very thing they do not want anyone to know about them in a community full of grace instead of judgment. Read the story of  The "God Show" brothers.

I appreciate that an organization that began with an initial weekend in the basement of someone’s home has continually stretched, adjusted and grown, evolving into an agile mature organization that it is today. I realize the soul work movement that was largely sparked by this ministry continues to meet ever changing needs supported by the organization.

We have all been through bad times for the first time before, and we survived. You and I and this organization have survived tough times in our past. We have faced uncertainty and challenges. We have been wounded, but the wound did not define us. Our darkest hour and our worst mistake did not defeat us for eternity. We would not be who we are had we not been through what we have been through. God is with us and we draw near to Him in prayer and connection.

The pandemic is still with us, but it has not defeated us. The Crucible Project, you and I and this incredible movement will survive this pandemic! I do not believe there is a time when the world has ever needed us more than it does right now. We are part of the answer to the impact of the pandemic. Here is our latest Covid19 update.

We will be better and stronger because of the pandemic. The Crucible Project is active building online programs and services that the world most needs right now. People all over the world will be able to access our highly effective Christian soul work tools from all over the world. And when we are out of the long season of this pandemic, The Crucible Project will be serving more souls across the globe and in new ways than ever before. This includes a Redwoods Only Homepage.

I realize the important part each Redwood plays in keeping this movement alive. By authentically and courageously living in mission, (like our Crucible Nurses) you are doing your part to create a better world and spread Christian soul work. By living in integrity and in community with other Redwoods, you are continuing the mission of igniting Christ-like change through experiences of radical honesty and grace.

God bless you!

Roy Wooten


Roy's Ramblings April 2020

Checking in tender, sad, angry, happy and excited.

Tender and sad with the raw pain of many Redwoods I know. Some challenges are specific to the pandemic, like illnesses and loss of loved ones. Other heartaches are in response to the economic impact, like depression from isolation, loss of employment, anxiety about potential job loss, stress from parenting and working from home, and loss of regular life rhythm. The adventure of our times is beyond anything we would have imagined just a couple months ago.

Happy that we each have all that we need to get through this. We have a faithful and constant God who is consistently with us, even when we don’t feel His presence. We have incredible soul work tools within us that, when put into use, allows us to continue to create the world we want. And we have this incredible family of Redwoods to call on and lean on through whatever pains we have in life.

I am angry that this pandemic has cancelled weekends through the end of July.  Like you, I want to be back in mission on Weekends as soon as possible.  I am committed to providing initial Weekends face-to-face as quickly as we safely can.

I am excited about what this ministry is doing now and will be doing in the future. The Crucible Project is actively meeting her mission through daily Check Ins and Prayer, Online Groups including new pre-weekend Exploration Groups, Carpet Days and other new online programs. And our staff team are working as hard as ever in development and preparation for launching new online programs and services, to Redwoods and to people who have never been to our initial Weekend before.

Words fail to adequately describe my deep appreciation for every Redwood who stepped into their Sovereign and gave generously in the Board of Directors matching gift challenge. We are not there yet and the time has been extended, but we are almost there. Thank you for your generosity that will allow us to be ready as soon as it is permissible to be face-to-face on Weekends again. We are developing adaptations of the protocols for such a time as this.

I am doing my best to keep you informed without overwhelming your inbox. Our last Town Hall Meeting has most up to date information. Mark your calendar for 6PM Central, Thursday, May 7th and join the next Town Hall Live event on zoom. LINK.

I am inspired by Redwoods across the globe working together, in mission, to ignite Christ-like change through experiences of radical honesty and grace. Your authenticity is magnetic to those around you. You are a gift to this world!

You are in my prayers. Please keep me and The Crucible Project in yours. Lean into your mission and the courage to ask for anything you need from the Redwood family.

The journey continues with blessings for you,

Roy Wooten

Roy's Ramblings March 2020

Checking in sad and scared. I’m wrestling with difficult decisions in this unprecedented period of COVID19 changes to programs.

How do we ignite Christ-like change through experiences of radical honesty and grace in the midst of an unprecedented crisis? In what ways can we be most like Jesus during these challenging times?

I am also checking in sad and tender. As I’ve attended Crucible’s nightly prayer session and witnessed requests at, I’ve heard of Redwoods with infected family members, working on the front lines with the virus, separated from loved ones who are dying, in financial duress due to business closings, and overwhelmed with demands from work amidst homeschooling children.

Checking in happy and excited. Redwoods are stepping up with innovative programs like online groups and carpet days. Leader training has moved online for most of our affected training days. New programs and offerings are in the works which will be announced soon. And Redwoods are pulling together, as you can see in this month’s Town Hall Live Meeting.

I am scared and angry as I try to sustain the organization through the uncertain and ever evolving economic outlook. The financial impact to date of -$66,000 pales in comparison to what might lie ahead and is unsustainable without major giving and deep cuts in expenses. I fret over how decisions I make affect others I love.

Yet, amidst all the uncertainty in this painful season, I know God is still God. The soul work that you and I have been doing has prepared us for this. Our feelings of fragility, fear, and vulnerability to this ever changing environment are normal. As we move toward deeper awareness of Jesus’ presence with us and lean into our promise to call on each other, we will get through whatever is ahead together! As you step into your gold, you are becoming the authentic anchor in this storm that your family, church, neighbors and marketplace desperately needs.

I’m praying for you and care about you. I need your help. Will you pray, advise and join? Pray for the Crucible Community and Redwoods across the globe. 

Share your wisdom ( about the way ahead for this ministry during uncertain times by joining me at the next Town Hall Live 6PM Central Time on Tuesday, March 14th at ).

Generously join in the response to Crucible’s Board of Directors matching gift to meet immediate ministry needs.

Prayerfully yours,

Roy Wooten

Executive Director

Roy's Ramblings February 2020

Checking in feeling tender and connected. I’m tender for so many Redwoods experiencing grief and loss across the global Redwood grove. I’m connected through the shared losses and the connection to my own grief and loss in life.

The Day of Ashes, or “Ash Wednesday”, is upon us. As many Christians across the globe pause for a day of communal confession and repentance launching lent, I am easily reminded of our “Ash Ceremony” practice in preparation for each weekend. My mind focuses on Jesus’ sacrifice and suffering. I’m also reminded of loss and death, that of loved ones and inevitably my own.

All Redwoods are connected with that moment we faced a dark place and felt God’s light, love, healing and grace. No matter what our core soul wound, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, gender, faith heritage, or political leanings, we all share that miraculous moment when we began to see ourselves more closely to how the true, loving and merciful God views us. We share the experience of radical honesty received with the scandalous grace of Jesus and other Redwoods.

I left my weekend with certainty that I had everything I needed for whatever the future held. Within a short period of time, I discovered “the journey continues” is not a catch phrase, but a life truth. Hundreds of Redwoods, like me, continue their soul work journey through volunteering to staff, staying active in a group and participating in second level weekends.

I have not found a better way to do life than living “confessionally up-to-date” in a circle of authentic Redwoods, where my radical honesty is always met with grace. The unavoidable gale-force winds of life are withstood, not with my own power and strength, but with strong Redwoods for me to lean on and with God’s ever-present strength.

I am personally inviting you to continue your soul work and also to contact me at if you are not currently active in a safe place with other Redwoods continuing your soul work journey. I want to do everything in my power to remove any barriers blocking you from continuing your journey.

My heart is full of gratitude for all the Redwoods who invest in the ministry through volunteer and financial support. Thankful for Regional Leaders, Community Builders, Weekend Staff, and those who help in private volunteer actions. I hope you will make plans to join us at our first (annual) Crucible Conference in Houston May 29-30, 2020 as we celebrate YOU. This ministry’s mission is being achieved because of your actions and the generous hearts who share their treasure for this Kingdom work.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Roy Wooten

Executive Director

Roy's Ramblings January 2020

I'm excited about all God is doing throughout the globe with The Crucible Project in 2020!

Crucible women's and men's weekends continue to expand. This year we will have our first women's weekends in Houston, Northeast Texas, and Colorado. We will have our first men's weekends in Melbourne, Australia, South Africa, and Wyoming, and St. Louis. Crucible communities across the globe are growing both in quantity and depth as our updated website supports community development in new ways.

We have extended our Growth Group curriculum and the Journey Group resources for peer-facilitated groups. Our ability to provide online groups has also greatly expanded soul work access for all Redwoods.

This year we are investing heavily in leadership development with fourteen training events currently scheduled. We are replicating our ability to train group, carpet and retreat leaders through expansion of trainer certification processes and standardization of leadership development curricula.

A Communications Strategy Committee has been meeting to better communicate in the ways in which people consume communication today.  As we say “Thanks” to Jeff Madsen who voluntarily served this organization for so long as our blog editor, we also are in the planning stages of rolling out new communication tools, including an app, text, podcasts, video platform, and expanded outward-facing communication systems. Launching of the new Town Hall meetings is one of the ways you can speak directly to me every month.

Our commitment to the mission of igniting Christ-like change through experiences of radical honesty and grace includes creating safe environments. We are strengthening our commitment to protecting your privacy and confidential information. You can be assured that we never have and never will sell or share your contact information with any individual or organization.

Mark in your calendars our first annual Crucible Celebration Conference May 29-30 in Houston and plan to join me in the next Crucible Town Hall meeting (HERE) Tuesday, February 18, 6-7PM Central.

Continuing the journey,

Roy Wooten

Roy's Ramblings December 2019

What a memorable year 2019 has been!

I’m checking in excited about all God has done this year. We honored Chris Cleghorn and his leadership as I transitioned from a volunteer regional leader post and retreat leader into his huge shoes. I spent the first several months listening to staff, regional leaders, veteran weekend staffers, donors, and new Redwood Brothers and Sisters.

This year I also sought to listen to every Redwood across the globe through Facebook live posts, multiple surveys and, most recently, a Town Hall meeting via zoom. You can watch the first one here or grab the link to participate at the next one (6PM CST, January 20, 2020).

You Are Strengthening The Crucible Project!

Your input is making a huge difference. All that has been shared with me has either been implemented, is in process or in the planning stage at some level.

A new look and feel for the ministry’s online presence has presented opportunities for integration of technologies and online community development support as we launched an updated and revised website.

We are working hard as a small corporate staff to support this global ministry with infrastructure and support for quality and safety while at the same time giving increased responsibility and freedom at the local level – where most mission achievement takes place. And we are in heavy planning for the first annual Crucible Celebration Conference in 2020.

The goal of replicating high quality and safe leaders at our rate of ministry growth is taking a major stride in 2020 with the roll out of expanded Carpet Leader and Retreat Leader training schedule. Answering the question to help more Redwoods easily move from their weekend experience into Growth Groups has resulted in an expanded and innovative soul work circle experience launching in January.

But Before 2019 ends…

Thank you to each and every one of your who gave a donation this year. So much of what was achieved this year was only made possible by the generous Redwood community. Funding for most of these projects are impossible through fee-based revenues. Your gifts are the only way. There is much more in process or in the strategic plan that requires funds not currently available. Please don’t let these last few days of 2019 go by without visiting the website and investing in the future of The Crucible Project. Donate Here.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Roy Wooten

Roy's Ramblings November 2019

Fellow Redwoods,

Fall reminds me of the seasonal rhythm of life.  I was in Connecticut for their fall weekend and saw beautiful, vibrant leaves about to let loose and gather with others to form a carpet underneath impending winter weather. Even at my home in Houston, I see blowing leaves reminding me of whatever version of winter we will have this year.

Ministries, like The Crucible Project, also have seasonal rhythms. God is blessing us with high growth which creates challenges to grow safe and quality leaders quickly. We are being asked to go where Crucible has never gone before, developing community in South Africa, within prisons, inside of churches, and within small and medium sized businesses. We are challenged in 2020 with a dozen initial weekends more than 2019. All of it is very exciting and challenging.

This coming May we will host our very first Crucible Celebration Conference (read more here). Our Women's Programs and Services are making plans for expansion with second level weekends. Our training structure for leadership is ready to launch. And December will bring the launch of our new website.

It is the Crucible Redwoods, like you, who donate, volunteer and serve in the organization, that makes ministry happen in each of our communities. Thank you for your part in igniting Christ-like change through radical experiences of honesty and grace.

Bless you,


Roy’s Ramblings October 2019

I am checking in happy and excited about all I see God doing through The Crucible Project. 2019 is a year for the history books as we have had many milestones. One of our long-planned Redwood initiatives of piloting Women’s Soul Work has come to fruition.

I am very thankful for the Crucible Brotherhood, where I continue to serve and be served. The launching of Crucible Women’s Work and the beginnings of the Crucible Sisterhood in no way, shape, or form diminish our Crucible Brotherhood. The Crucible Brotherhood remains intact as it always has been. Launching Crucible Project for Women fits with our long history of not hiding the precious treasure we found, but expanding Soul Work across the United States and around the globe.

With the launch, we are experiencing growing pains which we know are opportunities for individual, relational, and community growth.  I’ve invited Christen Burns, Manager of Women’s Programs and Services to join me in writing this article. You will also see inside this month’s newsletter a video conversation about challenges within regions that are new with the Women’s initiative. We also share another story of a couple where both husband and wife are new Crucible initiated couple. Additionally, we are giving away an electronic version of a free e-book that incorporates Clearings within a marriage so that courageous conversations can take place about important issues.

Words cannot adequately do justice for the deep gratitude of the men and women who have contributed to the launch of Women’s Crucible Weekends. We thank you for your sweat, financial support, and prayers that has made it all possible. We are beyond grateful for your continuing commitment to step into the tough places and find gold in the shadows.

On the Journey with you,

Roy Wooten                Christen Burns

[Executive Director]   [Manager of Women’s Programs and Services]

Roy’s Ramblings September 2019


I am checking in excited about where God has this ministry and where it is going. With forty-four weekends nearly in the books in 2019 and fifty-nine weekends scheduled in 2020, we are expecting over 1,000 new Redwoods to return from weekends.

Igniting Christ-like change in men and women through experiences of radical honesty and grace begins on our weekends and continues as Redwoods return to their communities and a planted in groves of authenticity. Our promise to  “Call On Me” means that a Redwood “Never Stands Alone”. The importance of creating and developing healthy Redwood communities is shared in the article about Case Jackson. A special gift for all Redwoods for helping grow and develop groves or Redwoods is shared in this month’s NEVER ALONE article.

As I complete my first 90 days full-time, I am so thankful to see the good stewardship of the finances of the organization. This ministry would not be growing without Redwoods who invest their hard-earned resources. Of the 1.2 million dollars that it took to run the ministry last fiscal year, more than a third came from the generosity of donors across Crucible Project communities. Those donations do not reflect many of you, like me, who helped pay a portion of a fee for someone to participate in our programs and services.

Running weekends, developing retreat, carpet and group leaders, creating and growing communities, and investing in systems for growth requires more than the aggregate of our fees for weekends and groups. With the strongest core volunteers in any ministry in which I have ever led, and with a small corporate staff working well beyond their compensation, we are stretching every dollar to meet the mission and fulfill the vision, to the glory of God.

I remain committed to all of our Redwoods to steward every dollar with transparency and integrity. If you ever have any questions about our finances, or you want to talk about other ways to invest in the ministry, please let me know.

Continuing the journey with you,

Roy Wooten

Executive Director

Ramblings for August 2019

I am checking in excited about all that God is doing in and through this ministry. The Summer of 2019 will be memorable as we hosted our first ever full Women's Crucible Weekend, piloted a “Crucible on the Inside” weekend with incarcerated young men, and hosted our first ever Crucible Spanish Speaking weekend on US soil. We are in the final stages of our plans to go back to Kenya with two consecutive weekends and are in talks with initiated men in South Africa to host our first Crucible weekends there.

We continue evolving toward a corporate structure that achieves all of the strategic plan initiatives. I am so thrilled that we have added three positions to the corporate support structure. Christen Burns, in the Denver area, brings all of her experience in leading women’s soul work onto the team as Manager of Women's Programs and Services. Brittany Duke, in the Houston area, and her long history in corporate Human Resources and Business Services into her new role as Office Manager.

Our shifts toward supporting and growing communities has led to a redesign of the organizational chart with more control of scheduling weekends and developing groups now in the hands of Regional Leaders. The addition of long-time Urban community leader Terrance Foster, will further support our budding community’s growth and development. If you are one of the few who have not met Terrance, watch our private Facebook page for more information in the coming weeks.

As I was coming into this position, I told you that I needed your help and wanted to hear from you. This newsletter has several opportunities for you to help me by completing surveys.

· Website Remodel Survey: We are beginning the development of our next generation website. I would love to have your input as a small committee begins taking their first steps in what we hope to roll out before Thanksgiving this year. Take the Survey.

· Pastor Survey: There are unique challenges for Pastors and their engagement of this work within their churches. We are working on better ways to address this and greatly desire initiated pastors and ministry leaders input in our thinking process. Take the Survey.

· Strategic Plan Expansion Survey: The strategic plan has driven most of the ministry’s activities over the last three years. It is time for an update and I would love to have your input into updating the strategic plan.  Take the Survey.

God is using The Crucible Project in huge and incredible ways. I believe most of the ministry we do happens through our huge number of volunteers living out their mission serving on our weekends and in their communities. I am so thankful to God for each of you who are giving of your time, talents and treasure to create Christ-like change in men and women through experiences of radical honesty and grace.

Bless you,

Roy Wooten

Ramblings for July 2019

Checking in excited about what God is doing through The Crucible Project! We are about to begin a website remodel process. We are also updating and expanding the strategic plan and associated Redwoods plan. I greatly appreciate your input into those processes. Get started by sending me an email at

When I ask uninitiated people how they are doing, they usually say, “busy”!  Earlier today I was in a circle of men who look like they have it all together – healthy marriages and families, owners of successful businesses, dream vacations and big boy toys. During the check in, almost every man reported feeling some version of being overwhelmed with all of the commitments on their plate. And I could raise my hand with every man.

A few years ago, I was working about ten Crucible weekends a year, leading a regional counseling ministry, speaking a dozen times annually at marriage retreats, and facilitating marriage intensives with troubled couples. I was busy! I did a piece of soul work around my need to always be achieving. What I discovered was that my little boy was unsure he was loved unless he performed.

Since then, I’ve been on a self-care journey, discovering the vital importance of building a routine of rest into my schedule. I’m not where I want to be yet, but I have built solitude, silence and daily connection with God into almost every day. I’m more intentionally building into my schedule time for me to be in nature. I believe my productivity has actually increased through the spiritual discipline of Sabbath principles.

You have all the time you need to do what you really want to do. If you want to keep doing “busy” until a self-inflicted medically-induced Sabbath rest,  you will do it. If you want to create a rhythm of work and refreshment, you will find time in your schedule for rest.

I pray you will be intentional about making time for rest in your schedule. Where the Soul Work of The Crucible Project can help you, either through circles of group work, second level weekends or individual coaching, please reach out to your Redwoods!

May God bless you with a healthy rhythm of self care amongst all He has you doing!

Roy Wooten

Executive Director

Ramblings for June 2019

I’m checking in excited about this ministry and what God is doing through it.

I was recently in a meeting with the Founder, Greg Huston. He felt a call from God on his heart to bring the incredibly grace-inspiring and healing work of Soul Work to the Christian men. Under his leadership, the incredibly powerful initial Crucible Project Weekend and four additional weekends were developed and launched. Under his leadership, the very first weekend outside of Chicagoland happened launching a brand new community in Texas.

I speak frequently with Chris Cleghorn who led this ministry through incredible expansive growth. We moved from four weekends annually to over two dozen happening in twelve separate communities. During his stewardship, giving extensively increased and we ventured into special populations including Australia, Kenya, Mexico, and the launching of our Women's programs and services.

As I complete my first full month in the role of Executive Director, I experience gratitude for both Greg and Chris in their contributions in leadership of this ministry. It is my privilege and calling to lead during this time of organizational evolution.

I believe that most of our ministry happens within our various regions led by Regional Leaders, volunteers who give their own time and resources to build Crucible community. We are in the process of staffing a redesigned corporate structure with an emphasis on supporting community growth and regional leaders. Within each community, circles of initiated Christians continue the journey they began on our initial weekends.

We are currently in the process of hiring a Community Development Specialist and an Office Manager. We are excited to have Christy Burns in a role similar to Bob Locascio’s, as the Manager of Women's Programs and Services. A “Church Crucible Community” model as well as the next evolution in our incredibly powerful carpet work are in development. We continue to evolve all of our programs and services toward a pure Soul Work and distinctly Christian model.

If you want to join us by providing input into our website redesign as well as expansion of the strategic plan, you can always contact me at Please keep me and The Crucible Project in your prayers as we continue the journey together!

With gratitude,


Ramblings for May 2019

I’m checking in tender and full. The last several months I have witnessed God’s incredible, miraculous and healing work through this ministry’s expression of radical grace. It reminds me of how God uses this ministry to bring me, and others like me, into a closer relationship with Him. I am thankful for a community of authenticity that spurs me on to Christ-likeness in all areas of my life.

The Crucible Project community has allowed me the opportunity to support a Christian saying his first prayer, out loud, in front of others. Other men have left our weekend and began a daily, family-meal tradition of a prayer of thanksgiving followed by all members of the family checking in, sharing their internal emotional climate and creating intimacy with God and each other.

Although our mission is not evangelism, I have heard weekend leaders report men who for the first time have found Jesus as their savior and asked Him into their hearts. I have also walked with Pastors who came into an initial weekend doubting, leave full of passion for the Lord’s calling on their lives.

Initiated men in my community who previously judged church leaders so harshly they would not attend church, are now extending grace to those same leaders and asking how they can help as regular active members of their church community. One Crucible brother reported giving increased by new Crucible brothers at the church he pastors. Other brothers are active in extending grace to the marginalized in our society through active outreach and service in their church.

While we are igniting Christ-like change through experiences of radical honesty and grace!  I am so thankful to be part of a community that champions personal relationship with God through spiritual disciplines while living out our faith at home, church, marketplace and community.

God bless you,

Roy Wooten

Executive Director

Ramblings for April 2019


As I’m writing this, I have completed my second week as the Executive Director of The Crucible Project. Words cannot adequately express my appreciation for all of the good men who serve on the ministry staff supporting the huge number of volunteers actively engaged in igniting Christ-like change through experiences of radical honesty and grace.

I believe there is no ministry with as much soul work expertise, within Christianity, than The Crucible Project. During my ten plus years within this work, I have experienced and witnessed God using us to bring light, grace, blessing, truth and love into the darkest places resulting in miraculous healing and wholeness.

Instead of hoarding soul work, placing a lit candle under a bushel, our board of directors have followed God’s calling to expand soul work into exciting new populations. Efforts are now underway at different points expanding soul work to:

· Our sisters, mothers and daughters through a women’s version of our initial weekend.

· Men on the inside, incarcerated in prisons.

· Our Spanish speaking brothers, many of whom have Español as their childhood “heart” language.

· Businesses and those they lead in the workplace.

· Continued expansion in our African-American brotherhood.

· Pastors and those they lead in churches across denominational lines.

I have a deep heart of gratitude for those leading such initiatives and those of you who financially support the continued evangelism of soul work throughout the world. Together we are truly creating a world of people who live with integrity, grace and courage, fulfilling their God-given purpose.

Continuing the journey,

Roy Wooten

Executive Director